1. ADS  stands for Address (logging abbreviation)
  2. ADS  stands for Acudetox Specialist (medical title)
  3. ADS  stands for Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist
  4. ADS  stands for Alliance Data Systems (Dallas, TX)
  5. ADS  stands for Advanced Design System (Agilent EEsof)
  6. ADS  stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance
  7. ADS  stands for Astrophysics Data System (NASA)
  8. ADS  stands for Algorithms and Data Structures
  9. ADS  stands for Application Development Services
  10. ADS  stands for Adult Day Services
  11. ADS  stands for Approved Destination Status (bilateral tourism arrangement)
  12. ADS  stands for Active Directory Services
  13. ADS  stands for Allied Digital Services
  14. ADS  stands for Access and Delivery Services (various schools)
  15. ADS  stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (data communications)
  16. ADS  stands for Advanced Drainage Systems (type of HDPE culvert)
  17. ADS  stands for A Different Street (transitional housing; Canada)
  18. ADS  stands for Abstract Data Structure (computer programming)
  19. ADS  stands for Alternate Data Stream
  20. ADS  stands for Australian Diabetes Association
  21. ADS  stands for Amateur Dramatic Society (UK)
  22. ADS  stands for Adjoints de Sécurité (Frech: Deputy Security)
  23. ADS  stands for American Dialect Society
  24. ADS  stands for Acoustic Detection System (Army Research Laboratory)
  25. ADS  stands for Art Deco Society (various locations)
  26. ADS  stands for Advantage Database Server (database management)
  27. ADS  stands for Analog-Digital System
  28. ADS  stands for Alliance Distribution Services (Australia)
  29. ADS  stands for Application Development System
  30. ADS  stands for Active Denial System
  31. ADS  stands for Archaeology Data Service (University of York, UK)
  32. ADS  stands for Adobe Document Services (Web service)
  33. ADS  stands for Alfred-Delp-Schule (German school)
  34. ADS  stands for Anatomical Dead Space
  35. ADS  stands for American Data Services
  36. ADS  stands for Asian Dust Storm
  37. ADS  stands for Architecture and Design Scotland (UK)
  38. ADS  stands for American Depository Share (international financial instrument)
  39. ADS  stands for Adaptive Damping System (Mercedes-Benz automobiles)
  40. ADS  stands for Advanced Dressing Station
  41. ADS  stands for Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom (German)
  42. ADS  stands for Air Discount Scheme (UK)
  43. ADS  stands for After Downing Street (political organization)
  44. ADS  stands for Automated Document(ation) System
  45. ADS  stands for Air Defense Section (US DoD)
  46. ADS  stands for Alternative Depreciation System (IRS)
  47. ADS  stands for Alcohol and Drug Services
  48. ADS  stands for Application Data Sheet
  49. ADS  stands for Advanced Data Systems
  50. ADS  stands for Accelerator Driven System
  51. ADS  stands for American Daffodil Society
  52. ADS  stands for American Driving Society
  53. ADS  stands for Association of Diesel Specialists
  54. ADS  stands for Air Data System
  55. ADS  stands for American Dahlia Society
  56. ADS  stands for Air Defense Sector
  57. ADS  stands for Attention Deficit Syndrome
  58. ADS  stands for Adelanto de Salario (Spanish: Salary Advancement; Guatemala)
  59. ADS  stands for Audio Distribution System
  60. ADS  stands for Advanced Deployable System
  61. ADS  stands for After Dinner Speaking
  62. ADS  stands for Advanced Distributed Simulation
  63. ADS  stands for Applied Digital Solutions, Inc
  64. ADS  stands for Advanced Digital System
  65. ADS  stands for Alternative Delivery System
  66. ADS  stands for Automated Data System
  67. ADS  stands for Activity Data Sheet
  68. ADS  stands for Aitken Double Star (astronomy catalog)
  69. ADS  stands for Authoritative Data Sources
  70. ADS  stands for AutoCAD Development System
  71. ADS  stands for Aircraft Defensive System
  72. ADS  stands for Application Development Solution
  73. ADS  stands for Air Demonstration Squadron
  74. ADS  stands for Atmospheric Diving Suit
  75. ADS  stands for Autograph Document Signed
  76. ADS  stands for Automatic Distribution System
  77. ADS  stands for Attitude Determination System
  78. ADS  stands for Atlantic Data Services
  79. ADS  stands for Architectural Data Systems (New York)
  80. ADS  stands for Advanced Detection System
  81. ADS  stands for Association for Dressings and Sauces
  82. ADS  stands for Amphibian Discharge Site (US DoD)
  83. ADS  stands for Agent/Distributor Service
  84. ADS  stands for Air Data Sensor
  85. ADS  stands for Alaska Dental Society
  86. ADS  stands for Aerial Delivery System
  87. ADS  stands for Associate Director of Science (CDC)
  88. ADS  stands for Automated Deployment Service (Microsoft)
  89. ADS  stands for Autonomous Decentralized System
  90. ADS  stands for Atmospheric Dive System (US Navy)
  91. ADS  stands for Alpha Delta Sigma (national honor society)
  92. ADS  stands for Advertisement and Discovery of Services
  93. ADS  stands for Airdrop System (C-5)
  94. ADS  stands for Aeronautical Design Standard
  95. ADS  stands for American Druze Society
  96. ADS  stands for Architectural Design Session
  97. ADS  stands for Automatic Depressurization System
  98. ADS  stands for Application Development Standards
  99. ADS  stands for Area Denial System
  100. ADS  stands for Advanced Display System
  101. ADS  stands for Ambulatory Data System
  102. ADS  stands for Assistant Director Skinner (X-Files character)
  103. ADS  stands for Accreditation Data System
  104. ADS  stands for Application Delivery Strategy
  105. ADS  stands for Auxiliary Data System
  106. ADS  stands for Average Dollar Sales (retail business metric)
  107. ADS  stands for Additional Data Sheet
  108. ADS  stands for Aegis Display System
  109. ADS  stands for Advanced Diabetes Supply (Carlsbad, CA)
  110. ADS  stands for Air Defense Squadron (SAGE)
  111. ADS  stands for Antenna Distribution System
  112. ADS  stands for Annular Denuder System
  113. ADS  stands for Air Defense Suppression
  114. ADS  stands for Aim Down the Sight (video games; aka Aim Down the Scope)
  115. ADS  stands for Advance Disposal Surcharge
  116. ADS  stands for Azimuth Determining System
  117. ADS  stands for Anesthesia-Directed Sedation
  118. ADS  stands for Angular Displacement Sensor
  119. ADS  stands for Auto Data Switch
  120. ADS  stands for Advanced Data Service (Sprint – Group)
  121. ADS  stands for Ad Sectam (Latin: at the suit of)
  122. ADS  stands for Automatic Defense System
  123. ADS  stands for Automated Disbursing System
  124. ADS  stands for Active Duty Support
  125. ADS  stands for Accessory Drive System
  126. ADS  stands for Automatic Debiting System
  127. ADS  stands for Ada Development System
  128. ADS  stands for Antex Data Systems
  129. ADS  stands for Airport & Desktop Services (SITA)
  130. ADS  stands for Archive and Distribution Segment
  131. ADS  stands for Address Data Strobe
  132. ADS  stands for Army Development System
  133. ADS  stands for Altitude Decompression Sickness
  134. ADS  stands for All Digital Simulation
  135. ADS  stands for Airspace Deconfliction System
  136. ADS  stands for Active Database System
  137. ADS  stands for Antidiuretic Substance
  138. ADS  stands for Advanced Degaussing System
  139. ADS  stands for Advanced Distribution System, Inc.
  140. ADS  stands for Accreditation Documentation Set
  141. ADS  stands for Analog Distribution System
  142. ADS  stands for Area Detection System
  143. ADS  stands for Airlift Defensive System
  144. ADS  stands for Airdrop Delivery System (C-17)
  145. ADS  stands for Access Data Support
  146. ADS  stands for Aligned Documentation System
  147. ADS  stands for Alert Distribution System (Sprint)
  148. ADS  stands for Acquisition Data System
  149. ADS  stands for Acquisition Display System
  150. ADS  stands for Advertisement Subsystem (JAXA)
  151. ADS  stands for Advanced Digital Switch
  152. ADS  stands for Acoustic Detection Sensor
  153. ADS  stands for Associated Directory Services (SBC – Affiliate)
  154. ADS  stands for Average Distance Spectrum
  155. ADS  stands for Administration of Designed Services
  156. ADS  stands for Adapted Dysfunctional State
  157. ADS  stands for Advanced Decommutation System
  158. ADS  stands for Automated Documentation Software
  159. ADS  stands for Auxiliary Display System
  160. ADS  stands for Australian Dancing Society Ltd
  161. ADS  stands for Attitude to Disabilities Scale
  162. ADS  stands for Asynchronous Data Set
  163. ADS  stands for Aerospace, Defence & Security Organisation (trade organization; UK)
  164. ADS  stands for Access Distribution Switch (ADC)
  165. ADS  stands for Airworthiness Directives Subsystem
  166. ADS  stands for Alent Design Solutions
  167. ADS  stands for Automatic Data Selection
  168. ADS  stands for Automated Digital Switch
  169. ADS  stands for Analyzer Detecting Set
  170. ADS  stands for Adaptive Dataport System (Verilink)
  171. ADS  stands for Administrative Discharge Section
  172. ADS  stands for Administrative Domain Server (Alcatel)
  173. ADS  stands for Air Deployable Deception Device
  174. ADS  stands for Advanced Deep-Dive System
  175. ADS  stands for Approval Data Submittals
  176. ADS  stands for Artillery Delivered Sensor
  177. ADS  stands for ARTS Development System
  178. ADS  stands for Amcor American Depositary Shares
  179. ADS  stands for Ammunition Drive System
  180. ADS  stands for Automatic Data Services Center (Air Force Office)
  181. ADS  stands for Aquitaine Dépannage Service (French automotive repair company)
  182. ADS  stands for Adaptive Diagnostics System
  183. ADS  stands for Addisod, TX (Near Dallas) Airport Code
  184. ADS  stands for Approved Demand Statement (various companies)

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