1. AEB  stands for Autonomous Emergency Braking (vehicle feature)
  2. AEB  stands for Automatic Emergency Braking (automobiles)
  3. AEB  stands for Auto Exposure Bracketing (photography)
  4. AEB  stands for Agência Espacial Brasileira
  5. AEB  stands for As Evidenced By
  6. AEB  stands for American Egg Board
  7. AEB  stands for Associated Examining Board
  8. AEB  stands for Acoustic-Electric Bass (Ibanez)
  9. AEB  stands for Association des Ecrivains Bretons (French writers’ association)
  10. AEB  stands for Annual Egyptological Bibliography
  11. AEB  stands for Aleutians East Borough (Alaska Penninsula)
  12. AEB  stands for Advanced Electron Beams
  13. AEB  stands for American Exchange Bank (Henryetta, OK)
  14. AEB  stands for Alliance for Electronic Business
  15. AEB  stands for Aerial Exploitation Battalion
  16. AEB  stands for Audit and Ethics Branch (Canada)
  17. AEB  stands for Analog Expansion Bus
  18. AEB  stands for Afrikaner Eenheidsbeweging (South Africa Afrikaner Unity Movement)
  19. AEB  stands for Aft Equipment Bay
  20. AEB  stands for Association des Entrepreneurs du Quartier des Beaudottes (French: Beaudottes Area Contractors’ Association)
  21. AEB  stands for Art Education for the Blind, Inc. (New York, NY)
  22. AEB  stands for Agence Economique de Bretagne (French: Brittany Economic Agency)
  23. AEB  stands for Assurant Employee Benefits (Union Security Insurance Company; West Des Moines, IA)
  24. AEB  stands for Association Européenne du Bambou (French: European Association of Bamboo; est. 1987)
  25. AEB  stands for Audit and Evaluation Branch (Public Works and Government Services Canada)
  26. AEB  stands for Association Ecologique de Boumerdes (French)
  27. AEB  stands for Action Environnement Beauvechain (Belgium)
  28. AEB  stands for Another Empty Bottle (alcoholism program)
  29. AEB  stands for Absicherung und Eisenbahnbau in Berlin, GmbH
  30. AEB  stands for Atrial Ectopic Beats
  31. AEB  stands for Atomic Energy Bureau
  32. AEB  stands for Army Epidemiological Board
  33. AEB  stands for Active Electronic Buoy
  34. AEB  stands for Application Engineering Bulletin (various organizations)
  35. AEB  stands for Auxiliary Equipment Building
  36. AEB  stands for Area Exploration Battalion (US Army)
  37. AEB  stands for Aircrew Evaluation Board
  38. AEB  stands for Advanced E-Business Studios
  39. AEB  stands for Africa Evangelical Band
  40. AEB  stands for Advanced Engine Bell
  41. AEB  stands for Acquisition Executive Brief
  42. AEB  stands for Air Emergency Breathing
  43. AEB  stands for Architectural Evaluation Board (County of Los Angeles)
  44. AEB  stands for Average Extent Burning

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