1. AEC stands for Australian Electoral Commission
  2. AEC stands for Architecture, Engineering and Construction
  3. AEC stands for Atomic Energy Commission (superseded by ERDA)
  4. AEC stands for Atmos Energy Corporation (Kentucky)
  5. AEC stands for ARS Electronica Center
  6. AEC stands for Alliance Entertainment Corporation (various locations)
  7. AEC stands for Automotive Electronics Council (vehicle standards)
  8. AEC stands for Audiovox Electronics Corporation (VOXX International Corporation)
  9. AEC stands for Arancel Externo Común (Spanish: Common External Tariff; various locations)
  10. AEC stands for ASEAN Economic Community
  11. AEC stands for Agile Expert Certified (course)
  12. AEC stands for Association des États des Caraïbes (French: Association of Caribbean States)
  13. AEC stands for Advanced Energy Conversion (Schenectady, NY)
  14. AEC stands for Ambulatory Emergency Care
  15. AEC stands for Animal Emergency Clinic (various locations)
  16. AEC stands for America East Conference (sports league)
  17. AEC stands for Automatic Exposure Control
  18. AEC stands for Absolute Eosinophil Count (blood)
  19. AEC stands for Annual Education Conference (various organizations)
  20. AEC stands for Army Environmental Center
  21. AEC stands for African Economic Community
  22. AEC stands for American Eventing Championships
  23. AEC stands for Atomic Energy Council (Taiwan)
  24. AEC stands for Attestation of College Studies (degree; Canada)
  25. AEC stands for Alabama Environmental Council (Birmingham, AL)
  26. AEC stands for Architectural Energy Corporation (Boulder, CO)
  27. AEC stands for American English Center (various locations)
  28. AEC stands for Army Environmental Command (US Army; formerly Army Environmental Center)
  29. AEC stands for Art Ensemble of Chicago
  30. AEC stands for Architect, Engineer and Construction (industry sector)
  31. AEC stands for Aluminum Extruders Council
  32. AEC stands for Account Expiration Control (Joomla)
  33. AEC stands for Applied Ergonomics Conference (annual conference)
  34. AEC stands for Architectural Engineering Consulting
  35. AEC stands for Association Executives Council
  36. AEC stands for Academic Enrichment Center (University of Delaware; Newark, DE)
  37. AEC stands for Aboriginal Education Centre (various locations)
  38. AEC stands for Association des Economistes Catholiques (French: Catholic Economists Association)
  39. AEC stands for Automatic Error Correction
  40. AEC stands for Assessment and Evaluation Commission (Sudan)
  41. AEC stands for Adult Education Committee (various organizations)
  42. AEC stands for Aquitaine Europe Communication (France)
  43. AEC stands for Alaskan Engineering Commission (1914-1923)
  44. AEC stands for Alberta Energy Company Ltd
  45. AEC stands for Army Evaluation Center (US Army; formerly EAC, Evaluation Analysis Center)
  46. AEC stands for Association Européenne de Coaching (French: European Coaching Association; EU)
  47. AEC stands for Acoustic Echo Control
  48. AEC stands for Advanced Electronics Company
  49. AEC stands for Archives of the Episcopal Church
  50. AEC stands for Atomic Energy Committee (Kazakhstan)
  51. AEC stands for All England Club
  52. AEC stands for Area of Environmental Concern
  53. AEC stands for Ankyloblepharon-Ectodermal Defects
  54. AEC stands for Address Element Correction (USPS)
  55. AEC stands for Asian Economic Community
  56. AEC stands for Association Executives Committee (various organizations)
  57. AEC stands for Acoustic Echo Canceler
  58. AEC stands for Auxiliary Emergency Comunications
  59. AEC stands for Accounting Education Center (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
  60. AEC stands for Alumni Executive Committee (various schools)
  61. AEC stands for Army Education Center
  62. AEC stands for Assemblée Européenne des Citoyens (French: Assembly of European Citizens)
  63. AEC stands for Alliant Energy Center (Madison, WI)
  64. AEC stands for Association Européenne de Cyclosport (French: European Cyclosport Association)
  65. AEC stands for Asahi Kasei Engineering Corporation (Japan)
  66. AEC stands for Arab Economic Council
  67. AEC stands for Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Andalusia, AL)
  68. AEC stands for Atelier d’Etudes Climatiques (French: Climate Studies Workshop)
  69. AEC stands for Association of Exhibition Contractors
  70. AEC stands for Asthma Education Centre (Canada)
  71. AEC stands for Annual Environmental Conference (various organizations)
  72. AEC stands for Australian Exhibitions and Conferences
  73. AEC stands for Avionics Engineering Center
  74. AEC stands for Adaptive Echo Cancellation
  75. AEC stands for Account Expiration Component (software)
  76. AEC stands for Amino Ethyl-Carbazole
  77. AEC stands for Advanced Error Correction (CDS)
  78. AEC stands for Association Européenne des Cheminots (French)
  79. AEC stands for Anglican Episcopal Church
  80. AEC stands for Associate Enforcement Counsels
  81. AEC stands for Automated Electronic Classroom
  82. AEC stands for Army Electronics Command
  83. AEC stands for Automatic Engine Control
  84. AEC stands for Association of Electric Cooperatives
  85. AEC stands for Associated Equipment Company, Ltd
  86. AEC stands for Alternative Energy Coalition
  87. AEC stands for Area Emergency Coordinator
  88. AEC stands for Acoustic Echo Controller
  89. AEC stands for Agency Emergency Coordinator
  90. AEC stands for Aeromedical Evacuation Crew (Air Force Instruction)
  91. AEC stands for Agency of Environmental Conservation
  92. AEC stands for Australian Environmental Council
  93. AEC stands for Automatic Exhaust Control
  94. AEC stands for Chief Aviation Electrician’s Mate (Naval Rating)
  95. AEC stands for Acceptable Effluent Concentration
  96. AEC stands for Acoustic Echo Control Equipment
  97. AEC stands for Adult Earnings Change
  98. AEC stands for Agriculture Executive Council
  99. AEC stands for Analog Electronic Controls
  100. AEC stands for Assessment of Equipment Condition
  101. AEC stands for Arithmetic Element Controller
  102. AEC stands for Aegis Education Center
  103. AEC stands for Aft Equipment Compartment
  104. AEC stands for Aquatics Emergency Care (Award, Lifesaving Society of Canada)
  105. AEC stands for Anger Engineering Co. (Milwaukee, WI)
  106. AEC stands for Aerial Experimental Component
  107. AEC stands for Automatic Edge Control
  108. AEC stands for Aviation Electronics Combat
  109. AEC stands for Asociación Experimental Cafetalera (Experimental Coffee Association, Guatemala)
  110. AEC stands for AFSCN Executive Council
  111. AEC stands for Airborne Electronic Combat
  112. AEC stands for Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd (Hong Kong)
  113. AEC stands for Anno Emmanuelis Christi (Latin; epigraphy)
  114. AEC stands for Area Equipment Compound
  115. AEC stands for Anime Enthusiast Club
  116. AEC stands for Alternate Equipment Custodian
  117. AEC stands for Aide aux Enfants Cambodgiens (French: Help for Children in Cambodia)
  118. AEC stands for Agent-Environment Coordination
  119. AEC stands for Anglican Essentials Canada, Inc (Milton, ON, Canada)
  120. AEC stands for Atlas Educational Center
  121. AEC stands for Automatic Exciter Control
  122. AEC stands for Asian European Council (est. 1994)
  123. AEC stands for Able Enrichment Centre (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
  124. AEC stands for ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) Experiment Center (US Department of Energy)
  125. AEC stands for Advanced Environmental Corporation
Abbreviations And Their Meaning