- AEF stands for American Expeditionary Force
- AEF stands for Allied Expeditionary Force
- AEF stands for Air and Space Expeditionary Force (USAF, formerly Aerospace Expeditionary Force)
- AEF stands for American Eagle Foundation
- AEF stands for Aerospace Expeditionary Force (USAF, now Air and Space Expeditionary Force)
- AEF stands for Advertising Educational Foundation
- AEF stands for Asia Education Foundation
- AEF stands for Aerospace Education Foundation (Air Force Association)
- AEF stands for Annuaire des Entreprises de France (French: Business Directory of France)
- AEF stands for Air Expeditionary Force(s)
- AEF stands for Association d’Economie Financière (French: Financial Economics Association)
- AEF stands for Aggregate External Finance
- AEF stands for Arizona Educational Foundation (est. 1983)
- AEF stands for Amyloid-Enhancing Factor
- AEF stands for Afrique Équatoriale Française (French: French Equatorial Africa; est. 1910)
- AEF stands for Auditory Evoked Field (neural activity)
- AEF stands for Ateliers d’Emboutissage de Faulquemont (French automotive parts company; Faulquemont, France)
- AEF stands for Artisans Ebénistes de France (French: Artisan Cabinetmakers of France)
- AEF stands for Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship (Australia)
- AEF stands for Alternating Electric Field (physics)
- AEF stands for Application Extension Facility (IBM)
- AEF stands for Africa Enterprise Fund
- AEF stands for Advanced Electronics Field
- AEF stands for Alliance Evangélique Française (French: French Evangelical Alliance)
- AEF stands for Alberta Emerald Foundation (Canada)
- AEF stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft Extraterrestrische Forschung (German: Extraterrestrial Research Association)
- AEF stands for Aeromedical Evacuation Flight
- AEF stands for Access Control Enforcement Function
- AEF stands for AMSOIL Engine Flush (various locations)
- AEF stands for Athens Environmental Foundation (Athens, Greece)
- AEF stands for Activity Evaluation Form (various schools)
- AEF stands for Adaptive Edge Fundamentals (Hewlett-Packard)
- AEF stands for Air Experience Flying
- AEF stands for American Endowment Foundation (Hudson, OH)
- AEF stands for Accreditation Evaluation Form
- AEF stands for Allons en France (French: Come to France; annual contest; French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs)
- AEF stands for American Enuresis Foundation
- AEF stands for Accurate Environmental Forecasting, Inc (Narragansett, RI, USA)
- AEF stands for Aerospace Engineering Facility
- AEF stands for All Else Failed (band)
- AEF stands for Aurora Education Foundation (Aurora, CO)
- AEF stands for About Extra Fine (coin grading)
- AEF stands for Atmospheric Electric Field
- AEF stands for Airborne Equipment Failure
- AEF stands for Argonne Experimental Facility
- AEF stands for Atmosphere Environmental File
- AEF stands for Area Enhancement Factor
- AEF stands for Active Emitter File
- AEF stands for Auxiliary Electrician Forward
- AEF stands for Active Element Factor
- AEF stands for Alternative Electronic Filing