- AEM stands for Association of Equipment Manufacturers
- AEM stands for Advanced Engine Management
- AEM stands for Adobe Experience Manager (software)
- AEM stands for Applied and Environmental Microbiology (journal)
- AEM stands for Agnico-Eagle Mines (Canada)
- AEM stands for Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited
- AEM stands for Active Energy Manager (software)
- AEM stands for Applied Economics and Management (education)
- AEM stands for Advanced Engineering Mathematics
- AEM stands for Academic Emergency Medicine (journal)
- AEM stands for Agricultural Environmental Management (New York)
- AEM stands for Agricultural Economics and Management (various locations)
- AEM stands for Azienda Energetica Municipale (Milano, Italy)
- AEM stands for Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin (German)
- AEM stands for Airborne Electromagnetic
- AEM stands for Agence pour l’Emploi des Militaires (French: Military Employment Agency)
- AEM stands for Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics
- AEM stands for Analytical Electron Microscopy
- AEM stands for Association Européenne des Elus de Montagne (French: European Association of Elected Representatives from Mountain Regions; est. 1991)
- AEM stands for Annals of Emergency Medicine
- AEM stands for Amis des Enfants du Monde (French: Friends of the Children of the World; est. 1975)
- AEM stands for Alkali-Earth Metal
- AEM stands for Azienda Energetica Metropolitana (Torino, Italy)
- AEM stands for Anion-Exchange Membrane (fuel cell technology)
- AEM stands for Asia Europe Meeting
- AEM stands for Automated Electrified Monorail
- AEM stands for Aviation Electrician’s Mate (military classification)
- AEM stands for Animal Enclosure Module
- AEM stands for Acoustic Emission Monitoring
- AEM stands for Automatic Emulation Management
- AEM stands for Asociación de Estudiantes de Medicina (Association of Medical Students, Guatemala)
- AEM stands for Antigen Enterprise Manager (Microsoft)
- AEM stands for Another Electronic Musician (band)
- AEM stands for Abnormal Eye Movement
- AEM stands for Advanced Effect Maker (software)
- AEM stands for Active Electrode Monitor
- AEM stands for Art Educators of Minnesota (Prior Lake, MN)
- AEM stands for Active Employment Measures
- AEM stands for Auger Electron Microscopy
- AEM stands for Associate Emergency Manager
- AEM stands for Automatic Exchange Mechanism
- AEM stands for Aisin Europe Manufacturing (various locations)
- AEM stands for Arsenal Exchange Model
- AEM stands for Applied Electromagnetics, Inc (Hampton, VA)
- AEM stands for Archivo Eclesiastico Metropolitano
- AEM stands for Accident & Emergency Medicine (UK)
- AEM stands for Anti-Epileptic Medicine (neurology)
- AEM stands for Ambulatory Electrocardiographic Monitoring
- AEM stands for Assembly Evaluation Method
- AEM stands for Area Emergency Manager
- AEM stands for Applications Explorer Missions (satellite)
- AEM stands for Agroforestry Estate Model
- AEM stands for Advertising Expenditure Measurement
- AEM stands for Aerospace Engineering and Maintenance
- AEM stands for Application Evaluation Matrix
- AEM stands for Architect-Engineer-Management (type of contract)
- AEM stands for Adaptive Energy Management
- AEM stands for Alternative Examination Method
- AEM stands for Antenna Element Manager
- AEM stands for Analog Electronics Module
- AEM stands for Ancillary Equipment Module
- AEM stands for Aircraft Engine Mechanic
- AEM stands for Automatic Experimental Monitoring
Abbreviations And Their Meaning