- AERA stands for American Educational Research Association
- AERA stands for Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association
- AERA stands for Anglais, Espagnol, Russe, Allemand (French: English, Spanish, Russian, German)
- AERA stands for Accelerating Economic Recovery in Asia
- AERA stands for Automated En-Route Air Traffic Control (FAA)
- AERA stands for Actions, Etudes et Recherches autour de l’Architecture (French: Actions, Research and Studies about Architecture; business association; est. 1992)
- AERA stands for American Equal Rights Association
- AERA stands for American European Racquetball Association
- AERA stands for Association pour l’Expansion et le Rayonnement de l’Aikido (French: Association for the Expansion and Influence of Aikido; martial arts association)
- AERA stands for American Electric Railway Association
- AERA stands for Automated Enroute ATC (aviation)
- AERA stands for Advanced Engineering and Research Associates
- AERA stands for Airborne Electronics Research Activity
- AERA stands for Alabama Education Retirees Association, Inc. (Montgomery, Alabama)