1. AES  stands for Advanced Encryption Standard
  2. AES  stands for Audio Engineering Society
  3. AES  stands for Agricultural Experiment Station
  4. AES  stands for Automated Export System (US Customs)
  5. AES  stands for American Epilepsy Society (West Hartford, Connecticut)
  6. AES  stands for Administration Economique et Sociale (French: Economic and Social Administration; various universities)
  7. AES  stands for Advanced Engineering Solutions (various locations)
  8. AES  stands for Auger Electron Spectroscopy
  9. AES  stands for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (various schools)
  10. AES  stands for Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
  11. AES  stands for American Energy Services (Laytonsville, MD)
  12. AES  stands for Annual Employee Survey (various organizations)
  13. AES  stands for Académie d’Education et d’Etudes Sociales (French: Academy of Education and Social Studies)
  14. AES  stands for Advanced Electronic Signature
  15. AES  stands for Accident Exposant au Sang (French: Accidental Blood Exposure)
  16. AES  stands for Application Enablement Services (Avaya)
  17. AES  stands for Advanced Electronic Systems (Astronics Corporation; East Aurora, NY)
  18. AES  stands for Amateur Entomologists’ Society (UK)
  19. AES  stands for Automated Essay Scoring (educational assessment method)
  20. AES  stands for Alternative Energy Systems
  21. AES  stands for Aerospace and Electronic Systems
  22. AES  stands for Application Environment Specification
  23. AES  stands for Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron
  24. AES  stands for Associazione Editori Sardi (Italian: Sardis Publishers Association)
  25. AES  stands for Adagio Entertainment System (Crestron Electronics)
  26. AES  stands for Advanced Encryption System
  27. AES  stands for Allocation d’Éducation Spéciale (French: special education allowance)
  28. AES  stands for Allegheny Energy Supply
  29. AES  stands for Amateur Electronic Supply
  30. AES  stands for Administrative and Educational Support (various schools)
  31. AES  stands for Army Emergency Relief (US Army)
  32. AES  stands for Agri-Environmental Scheme (EU)
  33. AES  stands for Atomic Emission Spectrometer
  34. AES  stands for Advanced Engineering and Sciences (ITT Corporation)
  35. AES  stands for An Endless Sporadic (band)
  36. AES  stands for Automatic Electronic Shutter (closed-circuit TV)
  37. AES  stands for Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssygdomssikring (Denmark)
  38. AES  stands for Adult Evening School (various locations)
  39. AES  stands for American Embassy School
  40. AES  stands for Atmospheric Environment Service
  41. AES  stands for Alternative Energy Solutions (Wichita, KS)
  42. AES  stands for Anglo European Studbook (UK)
  43. AES  stands for Aerospace Electronic Systems
  44. AES  stands for American Elasmobranch Society
  45. AES  stands for Annual Enterprise Survey (New Zealand)
  46. AES  stands for Alliance for Environmental Sustainability (various locations)
  47. AES  stands for Advanced Entertainment System (game system)
  48. AES  stands for American Eugenics Society
  49. AES  stands for Atomic Emission Spectrophotometry
  50. AES  stands for Adult Employment Services (various organizations)
  51. AES  stands for Auger Electron Spectrometry
  52. AES  stands for Alternativa Española (Spanish Political Party)
  53. AES  stands for Adept Electronic Solutions (various locations)
  54. AES  stands for Adult Educational Services (various locations)
  55. AES  stands for Attachment Execution Service (Microsoft)
  56. AES  stands for Advances in Engineering Software
  57. AES  stands for All-Electric Ship
  58. AES  stands for Asian Energy Security (research project)
  59. AES  stands for Advanced Energy Systems, Inc (Medford, NY)
  60. AES  stands for Aircraft Earth Station
  61. AES  stands for Aquacultural Engineering Society
  62. AES  stands for Adsale Exhibition Services (Hong Kong)
  63. AES  stands for Abrasive Engineering Society
  64. AES  stands for American Electrophoresis Society
  65. AES  stands for Advanced Enterprise Solutions (e-Business Solution Provider)
  66. AES  stands for Academic Enrichment Services (various schools)
  67. AES  stands for Aeromedical Evacuation System
  68. AES  stands for Agricultural Economic Society (various locations)
  69. AES  stands for Architectural & Engineering Services
  70. AES  stands for Accelerated Enterprise Solutions
  71. AES  stands for Associate in Engineering Science
  72. AES  stands for Application Engineering Specialist
  73. AES  stands for Aviation & Electronics Support Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)
  74. AES  stands for American Equilibration Society
  75. AES  stands for Application Environment Service
  76. AES  stands for Aerolíneas Centrales de Colombia (ICAO code)
  77. AES  stands for Automatic Emulation Switching
  78. AES  stands for Automatic Emulation Switching (Lexmark)
  79. AES  stands for Adult Ebook Shop
  80. AES  stands for Academic English Studies (Lewis & Clark College)
  81. AES  stands for Airborne Emission Spectrometer
  82. AES  stands for Aalesund, Norway – Vigra (Airport Code)
  83. AES  stands for Ada Evaluation System
  84. AES  stands for Asynchronous Event Scheduler
  85. AES  stands for Apollo Extension System
  86. AES  stands for Applied Educational Systems, Inc (Lititz, Pennsylvania)
  87. AES  stands for Arctic Environmental Strategy
  88. AES  stands for Auto Electric Supplies (UK)
  89. AES  stands for Advanced Electronic Support
  90. AES  stands for Asian Environmental Society
  91. AES  stands for All Employees Survey (various organizations)
  92. AES  stands for Automatic Energy Selector (domestic RV refrigerator manual)
  93. AES  stands for Atlantis Energy Systems, Inc
  94. AES  stands for Airborne Earth Station
  95. AES  stands for Atmospheric Exchange System
  96. AES  stands for American Eagle Systems
  97. AES  stands for Automated Expert System
  98. AES  stands for Asian Engineering Society
  99. AES  stands for Aviation Electronic Systems (Army Aviation PMO)
  100. AES  stands for Automatic External Standardization
  101. AES  stands for Analysis and Evaluation Staff
  102. AES  stands for American Elementary School
  103. AES  stands for American Electroplating Society
  104. AES  stands for Aircraft Engineering Squadron (US Navy)
  105. AES  stands for Aerospace and Electronics Society
  106. AES  stands for ADA Embedded Systems
  107. AES  stands for Ansbach Elementary School (US Army Garrison, Ansbach, Germany)
  108. AES  stands for Army Enterprise Strategy
  109. AES  stands for Anthropometric EVA Suit
  110. AES  stands for Analytical & Environmental Services Limited (UK)
  111. AES  stands for Agricultural Environment and Structures (division of Department of Agriculture, Ireland)
  112. AES  stands for Automated Examination System
  113. AES  stands for American Educational Services Inc.
  114. AES  stands for Analog Event System
  115. AES  stands for Army Experimentation Site
  116. AES  stands for Aerospace Electrical Society
  117. AES  stands for Air and Energy Staff (EPA)
  118. AES  stands for Airdrop Equipment Support
  119. AES  stands for Atrial Extra Systole
  120. AES  stands for Application End Service (Aether Systems, Inc.)
  121. AES  stands for Albany Engineered Systems (Albany NY)
  122. AES  stands for Automobile Engineering Society
  123. AES  stands for Aircrew Escape Systems
  124. AES  stands for Allan Environmental Solutions (est. 2000; UK)
  125. AES  stands for Application Environment Support
  126. AES  stands for Army Education System
  127. AES  stands for ASRC (Arctic Slope Regional Corporation) Energy Services (Anchorage, AK)
  128. AES  stands for Au tomated Exemption Subsystem
  129. AES  stands for Automatic Emergency Stop
  130. AES  stands for American Expeditionary Station (Armed Forces Radio Network)
  131. AES  stands for Alternative Enterprise Scheme (Irish program to support new agri-business)
  132. AES  stands for Aircraft/Airplane Evacuation Simulation
  133. AES  stands for Air Equipment and Support
  134. AES  stands for Aircraft Emissions Spectrometer
  135. AES  stands for Aerospace Expeditionary Squadrons
  136. AES  stands for Acquisition Executive Service (US DoD)
  137. AES  stands for Adelaide Eisteddfod Society (Adelaide, Australia)
  138. AES  stands for Acceptance Equipment System
  139. AES  stands for Aventis Environmental Science, Inc. (Weatherford, TX)
  140. AES  stands for Active Emissions Subsystem
  141. AES  stands for Advance Encryption Services
  142. AES  stands for Airways Engineering Society
  143. AES  stands for Airwing Embarkable Suite (Navy)
  144. AES  stands for Alternative Experience Supplement
  145. AES  stands for Audio Environment Simulator
  146. AES  stands for ATACCS Experimentation Site
  147. AES  stands for Advanced Edit System
  148. AES  stands for Acrylonitrile-Ethylene/Propylene Rubber-Styrene Copolymer (resin)
  149. AES  stands for Access Channel Energy-Signal
  150. AES  stands for Alfanar Electrical System (Alfanar Construction; Saudi Arabia)
  151. AES  stands for Aesthetic Consulting Group (Mission, KS)
  152. AES  stands for American Embedded Systems (electronics provider)
  153. AES  stands for Applied Ecological Solutions, Inc (Lawrence, KS)

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