1. AESA stands for Active Electronically Scanned Array
  2. AESA stands for Agence Européenne de la Sécurité Aérienne (French: European Aviation Safety Agency)
  3. AESA stands for Association of Educational Service Agencies
  4. AESA stands for Active Electronically Steered Array (aka Active Electronically Scanned Array; radar technology)
  5. AESA stands for ATM End System Address
  6. AESA stands for Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft
  7. AESA stands for Aviation & Electronic Schools of America (Colfax, CA)
  8. AESA stands for Autorité Européenne de Sécurité des Aliment (French: European Food Safety Authority)
  9. AESA stands for The Ancient Egypt Studies Association
  10. AESA stands for Arizona Emergency Services Association (Phoenix, AZ)
  11. AESA stands for Association of Environmental Scientists and Administrators
  12. AESA stands for Assign-and-Estimate Scheduling Algorithm
Abbreviations And Their Meaning