- AFA stands for Air Force Association
- AFA stands for American Family Association
- AFA stands for Association of Flight Attendants
- AFA stands for Academia da Força Aérea (Portuguese: Air Force Academy)
- AFA stands for Air Force Academy
- AFA stands for Autoroute Ferroviaire Alpine (French: Alpine Highway Rail; France and Italy)
- AFA stands for As Far As
- AFA stands for Absetzung für Abnutzung (German: depreciation deduction)
- AFA stands for Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
- AFA stands for Asian Film Academy (various locations)
- AFA stands for Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (blue-green algae)
- AFA stands for All Flash Array (data storage)
- AFA stands for Association des Fournisseurs d’Accès et de Services Internet
- AFA stands for Argentina Football Assosiation (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- AFA stands for Adverse Facts Available (commerce regulation)
- AFA stands for American Farrier`s Association
- AFA stands for Association Française d’Astronomie (French: French Astronomy Association)
- AFA stands for Armored Field Artillery (US Army)
- AFA stands for Apparel, Footwear and Accessories (clothing sector)
- AFA stands for Association Française des Anthropologues (French: French Association of Anthropologists)
- AFA stands for American Fence Association
- AFA stands for American Federation of Arts
- AFA stands for Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development
- AFA stands for American Federation of Astrologers
- AFA stands for Asociacion Fisica Argentina
- AFA stands for Association Francaise d’Arbitrage (French: French Arbitration Association)
- AFA stands for Anti-Fascist Action
- AFA stands for American Finance Association
- AFA stands for Action for AIDS (Singapore)
- AFA stands for Association des Fournisseurs d’Acces à Internet (French Access Providers Association)
- AFA stands for American Forensics Association
- AFA stands for Australian Field Artillery
- AFA stands for American Ferret Association
- AFA stands for Association of Fraternity Advisors
- AFA stands for Association Française d’Attelage (French: French Carriage Driving Association)
- AFA stands for Association François Aupetit
- AFA stands for Action for Animals
- AFA stands for Asociación de Fútbol Argentino (Argentine Football Association)
- AFA stands for Associate in Fine Arts (degree)
- AFA stands for American Freestyle Association (bicycle motocross; est. 1982)
- AFA stands for Afghan Afghani (former currency code; now AFN)
- AFA stands for Action Figure Authority (toy grading service)
- AFA stands for Alternative Fee Arrangement (contracts)
- AFA stands for Automatic Fire Alarm
- AFA stands for Alberta Fencing Association
- AFA stands for Association Française d’Acupuncture (French: French Acupuncture Association)
- AFA stands for American Fisheries Act
- AFA stands for Agriculture Future of America
- AFA stands for American Federation of Aviculture
- AFA stands for American Forestry Association
- AFA stands for American Franchisee Association (Chicago, IL)
- AFA stands for ASEAN Federation of Accountants
- AFA stands for A Fan Always
- AFA stands for Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture (Canada)
- AFA stands for Advanced Fuel Assembly (nuclear power)
- AFA stands for Admiral Farragut Academy (St. Petersburg, FL)
- AFA stands for Adoptive Families of America
- AFA stands for Alternative Futures Associates
- AFA stands for Arab Fertilizer Association
- AFA stands for Alabama Forestry Association
- AFA stands for Alaska Forest Association
- AFA stands for Associate of the Institute of Financial Accountants (UK)
- AFA stands for American Flight Airways
- AFA stands for Advertising Federation of America
- AFA stands for Accelerated File Access
- AFA stands for Armed Females of America
- AFA stands for American Fiberboard Association
- AFA stands for Archiv für Agrargeschichte (German: archives for agrarian history)
- AFA stands for Associação dos Amigos das Forças Armadas Portuguesas (Portuguese: Association of Friends of the Portuguese Armed Forces)
- AFA stands for Association Francaise d’Approximation (French)
- AFA stands for Alliance for America
- AFA stands for Audio Frequency Amplifier
- AFA stands for Across Five Aprils (novel and band)
- AFA stands for American Freedom Agenda (Washington, DC)
- AFA stands for Actors Fund of America
- AFA stands for Algonquin Forestry Authority (Ontario, Canada)
- AFA stands for Associate Financial Advisor
- AFA stands for Authentic Food Artisan
- AFA stands for Action de Formation Alternée
- AFA stands for Academic Film Archive of North America
- AFA stands for Authorised Financial Adviser (New Zealand)
- AFA stands for American Flock Association
- AFA stands for American Fitness Alliance
- AFA stands for Abundant Forests Alliance (est. 2006)
- AFA stands for Ankyloblepharon Filiforme Adnatum
- AFA stands for Abstract Factor Analysis
- AFA stands for Acromegaloid Facial Appearance Syndrome
- AFA stands for All Faculty Association (Santa Rosa Junior College)
- AFA stands for A Friend Always
- AFA stands for Alabama Firefighters Association
- AFA stands for Air Force Advisor
- AFA stands for Angel From Above
- AFA stands for Army Flight Activity
- AFA stands for Application for Adjustment
- AFA stands for Aerial Field Artillery
- AFA stands for Absaroka Fine Arts
- AFA stands for Alternate Form of Annuity
- AFA stands for Airframe Assembly
- AFA stands for Abercrombie and Fitch Army
- AFA stands for Adaptive Fourier Analyzer
- AFA stands for Antenna-Filter-Antenna
- AFA stands for Augusta Ferry Authority (Augusta, Kentucky)
- AFA stands for Asociación Fe y Alegría (Association of Faith and Joy, Guatemala)
- AFA stands for Associate of the Faculty of Actuaries (UK)
- AFA stands for Adoption Family Assessment
- AFA stands for Angel Flight America, Inc.
- AFA stands for Alberta Forestry Association (Canada)
- AFA stands for A for Apple (children’s clothing line)
- AFA stands for Architecture of the Future Army
- AFA stands for Army Functional Assessment
- AFA stands for Another Freaking Acronym
- AFA stands for American Foundrymens’ Association
- AFA stands for American Fine Arm
- AFA stands for American Formalwear Association (now International Formalwear Association)
- AFA stands for Adaptive Fusion Algorithm
- AFA stands for Average Field Attenuation
- AFA stands for Average Fock Approximation
- AFA stands for Automated Financial Analysis
- AFA stands for Automatic Format Assignment
- AFA stands for Asthma Foundations Australia
Abbreviations And Their Meaning