1. AFACS stands for A-Files Accountability and Control System (US INS)
  2. AFACS stands for Americas Foreign Asset Control Software (Americasoft)
  3. AFACS stands for Academy for Forensic Application of the Communication Sciences
  4. AFACS stands for Association des Femmes Africaines Chrétiennes de Suisse (Switzerland)
  5. AFACS stands for Army Forward Area Calibration System
  6. AFACS stands for Association Franco-Arménienne de Coopération Scientifique
  7. AFACS stands for Association Franco Algerienne pour la Culture et La Solidarité
  8. AFACS stands for Asbestos Fibers Automatic Counting System
  9. AFACS stands for Associate Fellow, American College of Surgeons
  10. AFACS stands for Avionics Forced Air Cooling System
Abbreviations And Their Meaning