- AFE stands for Association for Facilities Engineering
- AFE stands for Assemblée des Français de l’Etranger (French: Assembly of French Citizens Abroad)
- AFE stands for Advanced Front-End (speech recognition)
- AFE stands for Analog Front End
- AFE stands for Association Française de l’Eclairage (French: French Association of Lighting)
- AFE stands for Authorization for Expenditure (financial management)
- AFE stands for Advanced Flow Engineering
- AFE stands for Armed Forces Entertainment
- AFE stands for Applied Financial Economics (conference)
- AFE stands for Aide Financière aux Études (French: Financial Aid for Studies; Canada)
- AFE stands for Afrofunk Experience (band)
- AFE stands for Association for Fire Ecology (California)
- AFE stands for Ajinomoto Foods Europe (Ajinomoto Co., Inc.)
- AFE stands for Augmentation du Flux Expiratoire (French: Increased Expiratory Flow)
- AFE stands for Application Front End
- AFE stands for Active Front End
- AFE stands for Asia Funeral Expo
- AFE stands for Action Française Etudiante (French: French Student Action)
- AFE stands for Amniotic Fluid Embolism
- AFE stands for Authority for Expenditure
- AFE stands for American Free Enterprise
- AFE stands for Athletes for Education (San Diego, CA)
- AFE stands for Administración de Ferrocarriles del Estado (Spanish)
- AFE stands for Apple File Exchange (Apple)
- AFE stands for Annual Frequency of Exceedance (hazard analysis)
- AFE stands for Action for Enterprise (est. 1991)
- AFE stands for Antiferroelectric
- AFE stands for Automated Feature Extraction
- AFE stands for Aircrew Flight Equipment
- AFE stands for Atlas Florae Europaeae
- AFE stands for Average Fuel Economy
- AFE stands for Association Française d’Ecotourisme (French: French Ecotourism Association)
- AFE stands for Application for Employment
- AFE stands for Alaska Forum on the Environment
- AFE stands for American Flight Echocardiograph
- AFE stands for Art Fusion Experiment (tattoo artists)
- AFE stands for Angel Flight East
- AFE stands for Aeroassist Flight Experiment (spacecraft)
- AFE stands for Approval For Expenditure
- AFE stands for A for Effort
- AFE stands for Alternative Fuels and Energy Pty. Ltd. (Australia)
- AFE stands for Americans for Equality
- AFE stands for Above Field Elevation (aviation)
- AFE stands for Alternate Fighter Engine
- AFE stands for Adaptive Feature Extraction
- AFE stands for Administration des Français à l’Étranger (French: Administration of French Citizens Abroad)
- AFE stands for Average Funds Employed
- AFE stands for Agency Field Executive
- AFE stands for Appropriation for Expenditure
- AFE stands for Architecture For Excellence
- AFE stands for Authentication Front End
- AFE stands for Alternating-Field Electrophoresis
- AFE stands for Alert Forces Exercise
- AFE stands for American Future Electronics (Boca Raton, FL)
- AFE stands for Adam Furline Experience
- AFE stands for Advance For Expenses
- AFE stands for Acronyms Forever
- AFE stands for Annual Field Exercise (New Zealand Army Reserve)
- AFE stands for Alkohol Fans Engerau (est. 2004; Petrzalka, Czech Republic)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning