1. AFN stands for Afghanistan
  2. AFN stands for Assembly of First Nations
  3. AFN stands for Association for Nutrition (regulator; UK)
  4. AFN stands for Alaska Federation of Natives
  5. AFN stands for American Forces Network
  6. AFN stands for Australian Fishing Network (publisher)
  7. AFN stands for Afrique Française du Nord (French: French North Africa)
  8. AFN stands for Ancestral File Number (FamilySearch genealogy records)
  9. AFN stands for Armed Forces Network
  10. AFN stands for Aboriginal First Nations (Canada)
  11. AFN stands for Alesco Financial Inc (stock symbol)
  12. AFN stands for Afghan Afghani (new ISO currency code)
  13. AFN stands for Alliance for Nature (Austria)
  14. AFN stands for Additional Funds Needed
  15. AFN stands for All For Now (used at end of email)
  16. AFN stands for Association Française de Nutrition (French: French Association of Nutrition)
  17. AFN stands for America’s Fiber Network (LLC)
  18. AFN stands for Alternative Fuel News (publication; US Department of Energy)
  19. AFN stands for American Forensic Nurses
  20. AFN stands for Advanced Fiber Network
  21. AFN stands for ATS Facilities Notification
  22. AFN stands for Adoption Family Network
  23. AFN stands for All For Naught
  24. AFN stands for Aggregate Function Network
  25. AFN stands for Asociación Futuro de los Niños (Association for the Future of Children, Guatemala)
  26. AFN stands for Acronym For Nothing
  27. AFN stands for Address Complete Message Subscriber Free, No Charge (ANSI)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning