1. AFP  stands for Association for Financial Professionals
  2. AFP  stands for Agence France-Presse (French press agency)
  3. AFP  stands for Association of Fundraising Professionals
  4. AFP  stands for Armed Forces of the Philippines
  5. AFP  stands for Australian Federal Police
  6. AFP  stands for Acute Flaccid Paralysis (eradicating polio)
  7. AFP  stands for American Family Physician (journal)
  8. AFP  stands for Adobe Flash Player (software)
  9. AFP  stands for Advanced Function Presentation (IBM)
  10. AFP  stands for Alpha Fetoprotein (hepatitis B test)
  11. AFP  stands for Alpha-Fetoprotein
  12. AFP  stands for Americans for Prosperity (Arlington, VA)
  13. AFP  stands for American Foreign Policy (various locations)
  14. AFP  stands for Advanced Function Printing
  15. AFP  stands for American Free Press (newspaper)
  16. AFP  stands for Agriculture and Food Production (industry sector)
  17. AFP  stands for Avian Flu Pandemic
  18. AFP  stands for American Forest Products (various locations)
  19. AFP  stands for Advanced Functional Programming (International School)
  20. AFP  stands for Agent of a Foreign Power (national security)
  21. AFP  stands for Atoms for Peace (Inderscience Publishers)
  22. AFP  stands for Associação Fonográfica Portuguesa (Portuguese: Portuguese Phonographic Association)
  23. AFP  stands for Australia First Party (political party)
  24. AFP  stands for America First Party (politics)
  25. AFP  stands for Augusta Free Press (newspaper; Virginia)
  26. AFP  stands for Alternative Financing and Procurement (Ontario, Canada)
  27. AFP  stands for Australian Family Physician (peer-reviewed journal, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners)
  28. AFP  stands for Application for Participation (various locations)
  29. AFP  stands for Automatic for the People (music album)
  30. AFP  stands for AppleTalk Filing Protocol
  31. AFP  stands for American Fighter Pilot (TV show)
  32. AFP  stands for Art for Progress (New York, NY)
  33. AFP  stands for Advertiser Funded Programming (TV)
  34. AFP  stands for Academic and Financial Plan (various locations)
  35. AFP  stands for Asset Forfeiture Program (US DOJ)
  36. AFP  stands for America’s Funniest People (TV show)
  37. AFP  stands for Association Française de Psychothérapie (French: French Psychotherapy Association)
  38. AFP  stands for Agro Food Processing (Pakistan)
  39. AFP  stands for Air Force Pamphlet
  40. AFP  stands for Associate Financial Planner
  41. AFP  stands for Alliance for Full Participation (developmental disabilities)
  42. AFP  stands for Asia Forest Partnership (Indonesia)
  43. AFP  stands for (newsgroup)
  44. AFP  stands for Alliance des Forces de Progrès (Alliance of the Forces of Progress, Senegal)
  45. AFP  stands for Armed Forces Police
  46. AFP  stands for Air Force Program
  47. AFP  stands for Automated Fiber Placement
  48. AFP  stands for Air Force Plant
  49. AFP  stands for Academic Forensic Pathology
  50. AFP  stands for Argentine Federal Police
  51. AFP  stands for Affordable Housing Program
  52. AFP  stands for Association Française des Polyarthritiques
  53. AFP  stands for Administradora de Fondo de Pensiones (Chile)
  54. AFP  stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Demokratische Politik
  55. AFP  stands for Accounting/Finance Professional
  56. AFP  stands for American Family Publishers
  57. AFP  stands for Airspace Flow Program
  58. AFP  stands for Arc Fault Protection (electrical safety; various companies)
  59. AFP  stands for Automatic Frequency Planning (Cellular)
  60. AFP  stands for Armed Forces Publication (US DoD)
  61. AFP  stands for Automated Function Prediction
  62. AFP  stands for Anti-Freeze Protein
  63. AFP  stands for Automatic Fire Protection
  64. AFP  stands for Association Française pour la Percussion (French: French Percussion Association)
  65. AFP  stands for Approved Funding Program
  66. AFP  stands for Air Force Publication (USAF)
  67. AFP  stands for Alliance Française de Paris (French: French Alliance in Paris; Paris, France)
  68. AFP  stands for Academic Foundations Program (Grand Rapids Community College; Grand Rapids, MI)
  69. AFP  stands for Advanced Flexible Processor
  70. AFP  stands for Associate Field Professional (engineering)
  71. AFP  stands for Application for Payment
  72. AFP  stands for Association of Forensic Physicians (UK)
  73. AFP  stands for Award Fee Plan
  74. AFP  stands for Association Française de Pyrotechnie (French: French Pyrotechnics Association; est. 1986)
  75. AFP  stands for Applied Fluid Power (various locations)
  76. AFP  stands for Account Fund Profile
  77. AFP  stands for Annual Financial Plan
  78. AFP  stands for Adventure Foundation of Pakistan (Islamabad, Pakistan)
  79. AFP  stands for Atypical Face Pain (medical)
  80. AFP  stands for Active FoxPro Page
  81. AFP  stands for Associate Fellow of Photography
  82. AFP  stands for Approval for Full Production (Navy)
  83. AFP  stands for Asymmetric Fabry-Perot
  84. AFP  stands for Approval For Production
  85. AFP  stands for Annual Funding Program
  86. AFP  stands for Away From Phone
  87. AFP  stands for Association of Finnish Pharmacies
  88. AFP  stands for Afloat Pre-Positioning Force
  89. AFP  stands for Approved Financial Plan
  90. AFP  stands for Approved Funding Plan
  91. AFP  stands for Auxiliary Feedwater Pump
  92. AFP  stands for Alternative Financing Products
  93. AFP  stands for Adapter Function and Parametric Data Interface
  94. AFP  stands for Allied Fuel Publication
  95. AFP  stands for All-source Fusion Platoon
  96. AFP  stands for Adaptive Frequency Positioning
  97. AFP  stands for Atomic Fues Potential
  98. AFP  stands for Automatic Fill Program
  99. AFP  stands for Axial Front Projection
  100. AFP  stands for Annualized Failure Percent
  101. AFP  stands for Annual Failure Percent
  102. AFP  stands for Army Functional Proponent
  103. AFP  stands for Advanced Financial Programming and Policies (IMF)
  104. AFP  stands for Afghan Frontier Post

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