1. AFRT stands for Armed Forces Radio and Television
  2. AFRT stands for American Financial Realty Trust
  3. AFRT stands for Armed Forces Relief Trust
  4. AFRT stands for Association Française pour la Recherche Thérapeutique
  5. AFRT stands for Association Française pour la Recherche sur la Trisomie 21
  6. AFRT stands for Archivio Fotografico della Regione Toscana
  7. AFRT stands for Abort, Fail, Retry, Terminate
  8. AFRT stands for Artifact-Free Recording Time
  9. AFRT
    stands for Accelerated Fractionation Radiation Therapy
  10. AFRT stands for American Forces Radio & Television
  11. AFRT stands for Antioxidant/Free Radical Test (kit)
  12. AFRT stands for Approximate Fast Radon Transform
  13. AFRT stands for Anthropology Facial Reconstruction Training

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