1. AFS  stands for Andrew File System
  2. AFS  stands for American Fisheries Society
  3. AFS  stands for American Foundry Society
  4. AFS  stands for American Field Service
  5. AFS  stands for AIRS (Atmospheric Information Retrieval System) Facility Subsystem
  6. AFS  stands for Australian Financial Services
  7. AFS  stands for Adaptive Front-Lighting System (car safety feature)
  8. AFS  stands for Administration and Financial Services (various organizations)
  9. AFS  stands for American Fuji Seal (Japan)
  10. AFS  stands for American Farm School (Greece)
  11. AFS  stands for Air Force Station
  12. AFS  stands for Available For Sale (securities)
  13. AFS  stands for Agreement for Services (various organizations)
  14. AFS  stands for Alphax Food System (Japan)
  15. AFS  stands for Anti Fouling System (shipping)
  16. AFS  stands for American Foundrymen’s Society
  17. AFS  stands for Armor For Sleep (band)
  18. AFS  stands for Association Française de Sociologie (French: French Sociology Association; est. 2002)
  19. AFS  stands for Accommodation and Food Services (various locations)
  20. AFS  stands for Acropolis File Services (Nutanix)
  21. AFS  stands for American Fern Society
  22. AFS  stands for American Filtration & Separations Society
  23. AFS  stands for Agro-Forestry System
  24. AFS  stands for Aeronautical Fixed Service (US DoD)
  25. AFS  stands for Annual Financial Statements
  26. AFS  stands for Advances in Food Science (journal)
  27. AFS  stands for American Folklore Society
  28. AFS  stands for Aquatic Fitness System (underwater gym)
  29. AFS  stands for Air Facility System (various organizations)
  30. AFS  stands for Asian Fisheries Society
  31. AFS  stands for Automated Firearms System (California)
  32. AFS  stands for Australian Forestry Standard
  33. AFS  stands for Applied Food Sciences
  34. AFS  stands for Attestation de Formation Spécialisée (French: Certificate of Specialized Training; various universities)
  35. AFS  stands for Alternative Financial Solutions (Florissant, MO)
  36. AFS  stands for American Financial Systems (Waltham, MA)
  37. AFS  stands for American Fertility Society (now American Society for Reproductive Medicine)
  38. AFS  stands for Auxiliary Fire Service
  39. AFS  stands for Allergic Fungal Sinusitis
  40. AFS  stands for Allied Free Sentients (gaming)
  41. AFS  stands for Air Force Specialty
  42. AFS  stands for Association of Former Students (Texas A&M University)
  43. AFS  stands for Association France Spondylarthrites (French: Spondylitis Association of France)
  44. AFS  stands for Air Flow Sensor
  45. AFS  stands for Active Front Steering (automotive)
  46. AFS  stands for Alcohol Focus Scotland
  47. AFS  stands for Auxiliary Fuel System (aircraft)
  48. AFS  stands for Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy (Canada)
  49. AFS  stands for Active Federal Service
  50. AFS  stands for Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy
  51. AFS  stands for Association Française de Sémiotique (French: French Semiotics Association)
  52. AFS  stands for Adolescent and Family Services (various locations)
  53. AFS  stands for Alternative Fuel Standard (energy)
  54. AFS  stands for Agence Française du Sang
  55. AFS  stands for Alberta Forest Service (Alberta, Canada)
  56. AFS  stands for Association of Football Statisticians (soccer)
  57. AFS  stands for Advanced Financial Software (various locations)
  58. AFS  stands for Automatic Flight System
  59. AFS  stands for Advanced Front-Lighting System (automobiles)
  60. AFS  stands for Auto Flight System
  61. AFS  stands for Apple Financial Services
  62. AFS  stands for Avionics Flight Software
  63. AFS  stands for Adult and Family Services Division (Oregon DHS)
  64. AFS  stands for Advanced Financial Services, Inc. (Newport, RI)
  65. AFS  stands for Akademska Folklorna Skupina
  66. AFS  stands for Air Force Standard
  67. AFS  stands for Air Force System
  68. AFS  stands for American Fuchsia Society
  69. AFS  stands for Advanced Flight Simulator
  70. AFS  stands for Combat Store Ship
  71. AFS  stands for Anglo French Services (language training company; Paris, France; est. 1988)
  72. AFS  stands for Audio Frequency Shift
  73. AFS  stands for Advanced Finishing Solutions
  74. AFS  stands for Automated Financial System
  75. AFS  stands for Advanced Flash Synchronizer (software)
  76. AFS  stands for Active Fleet (Surface) Ship
  77. AFS  stands for Atomic Frequency Standard
  78. AFS  stands for Association Francaise de Stérilisation (Lyon, France)
  79. AFS  stands for American Funds Service Company
  80. AFS  stands for Application For Service
  81. AFS  stands for Australian Fisheries Service
  82. AFS  stands for American Foreclosure Specialists
  83. AFS  stands for Angel Flight Samaritans
  84. AFS  stands for Autogenic Feedback System
  85. AFS  stands for Assisted Filing Service
  86. AFS  stands for Aerial Film Speed
  87. AFS  stands for Auxiliary Feedwater System
  88. AFS  stands for Attensa Feed Server (software)
  89. AFS  stands for American Food Service
  90. AFS  stands for Adaptive Frequency Sampling
  91. AFS  stands for Arab Federation of Shipping
  92. AFS  stands for Amniotic Fluid-Derived Stem Cell
  93. AFS  stands for Authentication File System (IBM)
  94. AFS  stands for Flight Standard Service (US FAA)
  95. AFS  stands for Armed Forces Sports (US DoD)
  96. AFS  stands for American Flagship Service
  97. AFS  stands for Agency Filing Scheme
  98. AFS  stands for Active File Set
  99. AFS  stands for Advanced Filter Solutions, Inc.
  100. AFS  stands for Atlanta’s Finest Staffing (employment/recruiter agency)
  101. AFS  stands for Away from Station
  102. AFS  stands for Action Freight Services
  103. AFS  stands for Air Force Supplement
  104. AFS  stands for Allen Freight Services, Inc (Jacksonville, FL)
  105. AFS  stands for Army Fire Support
  106. AFS  stands for ASIC Functional Specification
  107. AFS  stands for AppleShare File System
  108. AFS  stands for Automotive Financial Services Pty Ltd (Australia)
  109. AFS  stands for Automatic Fuel Dispensing
  110. AFS  stands for Away From Screen
  111. AFS  stands for Agency Field Specialist
  112. AFS  stands for Aggressive French Speakers (pro-gaming clan)
  113. AFS  stands for Alternative Format Syntax
  114. AFS  stands for Alternative Filing System
  115. AFS  stands for Assembly Floor Sheet
  116. AFS  stands for Associated Freight Services (London, UK)
  117. AFS  stands for Australian Flag Society
  118. AFS  stands for Auditable Financial Statement
  119. AFS  stands for Autofocus Subassembly
  120. AFS  stands for Automatic Frequency Standard
  121. AFS  stands for Anaesthetic Friends Society (est. 2009)
  122. AFS  stands for Air Fire Support

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