- AFTI stands for Advanced Fighter Technology Integration
- AFTI stands for Associazione Farmaceutici Ticinese
- AFTI stands for Adjusted Federal Taxable Income
- AFTI stands for Angel Flight Theatre Instructions (acting school; West Covina, CA)
- AFTI stands for Advanced Force/Torque Indicator (Mecmesin Limited)
- AFTI stands for Applied Fabric Technologies, Inc. (Orchard Park, NY)
- AFTI stands for American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation, Inc. (Alexandria, VA)
- AFTI stands for Advanced Feminist Therapy Institutes
- AFTI stands for Australian Fair Trade and Investment (network)
- AFTI stands for Advanced Flow Technologies Inc. (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
- AFTI stands for American Film Technologies Inc.
- AFTI stands for Australian Film and Television Industry (Awards)
- AFTI stands for Armed Forces Training Institutions (India)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning