1. AFTS  stands for Astrology for the Soul
  2. AFTS  stands for Automated Forex Trading System (software)
  3. AFTS  stands for Applied Flying Training School (Australia)
  4. AFTS  stands for Augmented Flight Termination System
  5. AFTS  stands for American Fuji Technical Services (New Jersey)
  6. AFTS  stands for Alberta Fire Training School
  7. AFTS  stands for Automatic Funds Transfer Services (Seattle, WA)
  8. AFTS  stands for Automated Funds Transfer System
  9. AFTS  stands for Advanced Flight Tracking System
  10. AFTS  stands for Audio Frequency Tone Shift
  11. AFTS  stands for Afghanistan Force Tracking System
  12. AFTS  stands for Audit Follow-Up and Technical Support
  13. AFTS  stands for Alan Foss Technical Services (UK)
  14. AFTS  stands for Automated Frequency Tone Shift
  15. AFTS  stands for Association pour la Formation Supérieure en Travail Social (Réunion)

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