AFU stands for;

AFU alt.folklore.urban (newsgroup)
AFU Atlanta Fire United (soccer club; Georgia)
AFU Advanced Flying Unit (various locations)

AFU Assistance Au Freinage d’Urgence (French: mechanical brake assist)
AFU Azad Fikir Universiteti (Azerbaijani: Free Thought University)
Afu Archaeoglobus Fulgidus
AFU Accelerator Functional Unit
AFU Association Foncière Urbaine (French: Urban Land Association)

AFU Association Française d’Urologie
AFU Age of First Use (substance abuse)
AFU All Fired Up
AFU Annual Follow-Up
AFU Air Forces of Ukraine

AFU Associazione Ferrarese Universitaria (Italian: Ferrara University Association; Ferrara, Italy)
AFU Association Fraternité Universelle (French: Universal Brotherhood Association)
AFU Atelier Fabrication Usinage (French: Machine Manufacturing Workshop)
AFU American Families United

AFU Ajinomoto Frozen Foods USA
AFU Abingdon Film Unit (UK)
AFU Air Freight Unit (Pakistan)
AFU Archaeological Field Unit
AFU Asset Freezing Unit (UK)
AFU Airline Filter Unit
AFU All Fouled Up (polite form)

AFU Assault Fire Unit
AFU Approval for Use
AFU Aggregate Function Unit
AFU Archives for UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) Research (Sweden)
AFU Automatic Fill Up (drill pipe float valves in well drilling)
AFU Ammunition and Fire Unit
AFU Active Force User (Lego Star Wars)


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