1. AGS stands for Aguascalientes (Mexican state)
  2. AGS stands for American Gem Society
  3. AGS stands for American Geriatrics Society
  4. AGS stands for Armadyl Godsword (gaming)
  5. AGS stands for Alliance Ground Surveillance (NATO)
  6. AGS stands for Alpha Gamma Sigma (scholastic honor society)
  7. AGS stands for Alaska Geographic Society
  8. AGS stands for Alliance for Global Sustainability
  9. AGS stands for Alagille Syndrome
  10. AGS stands for Australian Geomechanics Society
  11. AGS stands for Active Global Support (SAP)
  12. AGS stands for Alpine Garden Society
  13. AGS stands for Accounting and General Services (Hawaii)
  14. AGS stands for Advanced Gun System
  15. AGS stands for Above Ground Surface (measurement above ground surface)
  16. AGS stands for Air Guard Station (US military)
  17. AGS stands for Aircraft Generation Squadron
  18. AGS stands for Adult and Graduate Studies
  19. AGS stands for American Geographical Society
  20. AGS stands for Associated Global Systems (New Hyde Park, NY)
  21. AGS stands for Administrator of General Services
  22. AGS stands for Atlanta Girls’ School (Atlanta, GA)
  23. AGS stands for Adrenogenital Syndrome (disorder)
  24. AGS stands for Adventure Game Studio
  25. AGS stands for Airborne Ground Surveillance (NATO)
  26. AGS stands for Alternating Gradient Synchrotron
  27. AGS stands for Associate of General Studies
  28. AGS stands for Survey Ship (US Navy ship designation)
  29. AGS stands for Auditor General for Scotland (UK)
  30. AGS stands for Australian Government Solicitor
  31. AGS stands for Americans for Gun Safety
  32. AGS stands for American Gerbil Society
  33. AGS stands for Allied Geographic Section
  34. AGS stands for Armored Gun System
  35. AGS stands for Association for Gravestone Studies (founded in 1977)
  36. AGS stands for Army Group South (gaming; Australia)
  37. AGS stands for American Gemological Society
  38. AGS stands for American Goat Society (Broad Run, VA)
  39. AGS stands for Applied Geographic Solutions
  40. AGS stands for American Glaucoma Society
  41. AGS stands for Auckland Grammar School (New Zealand)
  42. AGS stands for Adobe Global Services
  43. AGS stands for Analysis Ground Station (Sagem)
  44. AGS stands for Any Given Sunday (movie)
  45. AGS stands for Aggressive Growth Strategy
  46. AGS stands for Alaska General Seafoods
  47. AGS stands for American Ghost Society
  48. AGS stands for Atlantic Geoscience Society
  49. AGS stands for American Guidance Service, Inc.
  50. AGS stands for Advanced Guidance System
  51. AGS stands for Aylesbury Grammar School
  52. AGS stands for Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists
  53. AGS stands for Advanced Graphics Software (various locations)
  54. AGS stands for Acting General Secretary (various organizations)
  55. AGS stands for Agricultural Support Systems Division
  56. AGS stands for Anesthetic Gas Scavenging (medical equipment)
  57. AGS stands for Alberta Government Services (Alberta, Canada)
  58. AGS stands for Alberta Genealogical Society
  59. AGS stands for Aviation Ground Support
  60. AGS stands for Aicardi Goutières Syndrome
  61. AGS stands for American Gourd Society
  62. AGS stands for Arkansas Governor’s School
  63. AGS stands for Abort Guidance System
  64. AGS stands for Adobe Graphics Server
  65. AGS
    stands for Adtech Global Solutions (Alpharetta, GA)
  66. AGS stands for American Glovebox Society
  67. AGS stands for Automated Graphic Systems, Inc. (White Plains, Maryland)
  68. AGS stands for Army General Staff
  69. AGS stands for Airborne Gravity System
  70. AGS stands for Annualized Geo-Solar (heating technique, construction)
  71. AGS stands for Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives (French Formula 1 Team)
  72. AGS stands for American Guitar Society
  73. AGS stands for Allegis Group Services
  74. AGS stands for Alaska Ground Station
  75. AGS stands for Aviation Group Supervisor
  76. AGS stands for Association Genevoise des Sports
  77. AGS stands for Austin Genealogical Society
  78. AGS stands for Augusta, GA, USA – Bush Field (Airport Code)
  79. AGS stands for Anti Graffiti-Systeme
  80. AGS stands for Architectural Graphics Standards
  81. AGS stands for Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company
  82. AGS stands for Advanced Grading Specialists
  83. AGS stands for Administração e Gestão de Sistemas de Salubridade (Portugese: Management of Salubrity Systems)
  84. AGS stands for Adler Graduate School
  85. AGS stands for American Grounding Systems
  86. AGS stands for Apostoliese Geloofsending (Apostolic Faith Mission, South Africa)
  87. AGS stands for Adolescent Guidance Services
  88. AGS stands for Adventure Game Studios
  89. AGS stands for Alternating Gradient Synchroton
  90. AGS stands for Antarctic Geodesy Symposium
  91. AGS stands for American Guide Services, Inc.
  92. AGS stands for Atelier Graphique Saunière (French graphics workshop)
  93. AGS stands for Anti-G Suit
  94. AGS
    stands for Aegis Corporation
  95. AGS stands for Analytical Gas Systems
  96. AGS stands for Academy of Gandhian Studies (Tirupati, India)
  97. AGS stands for Advanced Geosynchronous Studies
  98. AGS stands for Annulus Gas System
  99. AGS stands for Armor Grip Suspension
  100. AGS stands for Art Galleries in Switzerland
  101. AGS stands for Authentic Gaming Supply (Rochester, NY)
  102. AGS stands for Asynchronous Gateway Server
  103. AGS stands for Anthony Gell School (UK)
  104. AGS stands for Agency Grievance System
  105. AGS stands for Amboy Generator Service (Cliffwood, NJ, USA)
  106. AGS stands for Amplonius-Gymnasium Rheinberg (Germany)
  107. AGS stands for Ascent Guidance Subframe
  108. AGS stands for Arizona Gourd Society
  109. AGS stands for Association of General Clinical Research Center Statisticians
  110. AGS stands for Anti-Gravity Suit
  111. AGS stands for Arizona Geological Society, Inc.
  112. AGS stands for Advanced Gigabit Satellite (NEC)
  113. AGS stands for Auxiliary General Survey
  114. AGS stands for Australian Golf Schools
  115. AGS stands for Andrea Griffin Stewart (poet)
  116. AGS stands for Advanced Gunnery System
  117. AGS stands for American Gourmet Secret
  118. AGS stands for Ambiguity Group Size
  119. AGS stands for Altus Ground Station
  120. AGS stands for Agency of Global Security
  121. AGS stands for Aviation Golf Services
  122. AGS stands for Associated Graduate Studies
  123. AGS stands for Airborne Gamma Spectroscopy
  124. AGS stands for Amara Global Services
  125. AGS stands for Airport Ground Service Ltd
  126. AGS stands for ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) Godlike Series (YouTube series)
  127. AGS stands for Avtomaticheskiy Granatomet Stankouyy (Russian automatic grenade launcher)

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