- AGU stands for American Geophysical Union
- AGU stands for Advocacia Geral da União (General Attorney of the Union; Brazil)
- AGU stands for Abdullah Gul University (Turkey)
- AGU stands for Aichi Gakuin University (Japan)
- AGU stands for All Grown Up (TV show)
- AGU stands for Address-Generation Unit
- AGU stands for Arabian Gulf University (Bahrain)
- AGU stands for Australian Golf Union
- AGU stands for Acute Geriatric Unit (healthcare; various locations)
- AGU stands for Aspartylglucosaminuria
- AGU stands for Association of Global Universities (International Studies Abroad)
- AGU stands for Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico (Airport Code)
- AGU stands for Autonomous Guidance Unit (US DoD)