1. AHDA stands for Association for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa
  2. AHDA stands for Animal Health Distributors Association (UK)
  3. AHDA stands for Australian Huntington’s Disease Association
  4. AHDA stands for Australasian Human Development Association
  5. AHDA stands for Alberta Highland Dancing Association (Canada)
  6. AHDA stands for African-Hebrew Development Agency (Israel)
  7. AHDA stands for American Holiday Decorators Association
  8. AHDA stands for Arkansas Housing Development Agency
  9. AHDA stands for Assistant Help Desk Advisor
  10. AHDA stands for Agency for Human Development in Afghanistan
  11. AHDA stands for Adolescent Health and Development in Africa (conference)
  12. AHDA stands for Advanced Holographic Decoy Array
  13. AHDA stands for Affordable Housing Development Assistance
  14. AHDA stands for American Holistic Dental Association
  15. AHDA stands for Autonomous Hazard Detection and Avoidance
  16. AHDA stands for Asymmetric Hetero Diels-Alder