1. AHF stands for AIDS Healthcare Foundation (Los Angeles, CA)
  2. AHF stands for Antihemophilic Factor
  3. AHF stands for Allan Hancock Foundation (University of Southern California)
  4. AHF stands for American Health Foundation
  5. AHF stands for Acute Heart Failure
  6. AHF stands for American Honda Foundation (American Honda Motor Co., Inc.)
  7. AHF stands for American Himalayan Foundation (San Francisco, CA)
  8. AHF stands for Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride (chemistry)
  9. AHF stands for Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever
  10. AHF stands for Al-Haramain Foundation (Saudi Arabia)
  11. AHF stands for American Hi-Fi
  12. AHF stands for Active Harmonic Filter
  13. AHF stands for Association for Historical Fencing
  14. AHF stands for Automotive Hall of Fame
  15. AHF stands for American Homeowners Foundation
  16. AHF stands for Attribute Hiding Factor
  17. AHF stands for Association Hémochromatose France
  18. AHF stands for Arbeitskreis für Hausforschung (German)
  19. AHF stands for Association Huntington France (Huntington’s disease research group)
  20. AHF stands for Amélioration de l’Habitat Français (French: French Housing Improvement)
  21. AHF stands for Adaptive High Frequency
  22. AHF stands for Advanced Hadron Facility
  23. AHF stands for Alternating Hemiplegia Foundation (Association Française de l’Hémiplégie Alternante)
  24. AHF stands for Astronaut Hall of Fame
  25. AHF stands for Angus Heritage Foundation
  26. AHF stands for Army Historical Foundation, Inc.
  27. AHF stands for Anterior Hyaloid Face (ophthalmology)
  28. AHF stands for American Hobby Federation
  29. AHF stands for Alaska Health Fair, Inc.
  30. AHF stands for Approximate Hartree-Fock Method
  31. AHF stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft Außeruniversitärer Historischer Forschungseinrichtungen in der BRD eV (German: working group of non-university historical research establishments in the FRG)
  32. AHF stands for Arnwine’s Home Furnishings
  33. AHF stands for Association of Hungarian Foundries (Hungary)
  34. AHF stands for Aerated Home Furnishings Ltd.
  35. AHF stands for Association Hippique de Fluquieres (French equine association)
  36. AHF stands for Asian Heritage Foundation
  37. AHF stands for Alliance Healthcare Foundation
  38. AHF stands for Arizona Historical Foundation
  39. AHF stands for American Hotel Foundation
  40. AHF stands for Aboriginal Healing Foundation
  41. AHF stands for Aphasia Hope Foundation
  42. AHF stands for Asian Health Foundation
  43. AHF stands for Alliance Home Funding
  44. AHF stands for American Hospice Foundation
  45. AHF stands for American Housing Foundation
  46. AHF stands for Aston Hill Financial
  47. AHF stands for Architectural Heritage Fund
  48. AHF stands for AIDS Health Foundation
  49. AHF stands for Australian Himalayan Foundation
  50. AHF stands for Allgermanische Heidnische Front
  51. AHF stands for African Health Foundation
  52. AHF stands for Annual Health Forum
  53. AHF stands for Anti Hemophilic Factor
  54. AHF stands for Alabama Humanities Foundation
  55. AHF stands for alabama humane federation
  56. AHF stands for Antecedentes Heredo Familiares
  57. AHF stands for Arabian Horse Foundation
  58. AHF stands for Affordable Housing Finance
  59. AHF stands for American Herpes Foundation
  60. AHF stands for Altered Hepatic Foci
  61. AHF stands for Association Histiocytose France
  62. AHF stands for Advanced Hydrotest Facility
  63. AHF stands for American Homecare Federation
  64. AHF stands for Acute Hepatic Failure
  65. AHF stands for Association Hemochromatose France
  66. AHF stands for American Heritage Foundation
  67. AHF stands for Asian Hockey Federation
  68. AHF stands for Australian Handball Federation
  69. AHF stands for Aboriginal Health Forum
  70. AHF stands for Asian Handball Federation
  71. AHF stands for active hepatocellular function
  72. AHF stands for Adreno-hepatic fusion
  73. AHF stands for Advanced heart failure
  74. AHF stands for alcoholic hepatic fibrosis
  75. AHF stands for allogeneic helper factors
  76. AHF stands for altered hepatocellular foci
  77. AHF stands for altered hepatocyte foci
  78. AHF stands for altered hepatocytic foci
  79. AHF stands for Anti Hairball Food
  80. AHF stands for anti-hemopilic Factor
  81. AHF stands for applied horizontal forces
  82. AHF stands for aqueous humor flow
  83. AHF stands for aqueous humor formation
  84. AHF stands for Argentine Haemorrhagic Fever
  85. AHF stands for enzyme-altered hepatocellular foci
  86. AHF stands for Asia Handball Federation
  87. AHF stands for Asian Hospital Federation
  88. AHF stands for Acute hepatic insufficiency
  89. AHF stands for acute ischemic hepatic failure
  90. AHF stands for aqueous humor flow rate
  91. AHF stands for Aerodynamic Heating Facility
  92. AHF stands for African Housing Fund
  93. AHF stands for anhydrous hydro fluoric
  94. AHF stands for Aromatic Hydrocarbon Fungicides
  95. AHF stands for Africa Housing Fund
  96. AHF stands for Aboriginal Healing Fund
  97. AHF stands for Australian Hovercraft Federation
  98. AHF stands for Abdul Haq Foundation
  99. AHF stands for Architectural Heritage Foundation
  100. AHF stands for Archiwum Historii Filozofii
  101. AHF stands for American Homesteading Foundation
  102. AHF stands for Affordable Housing Fund
  103. AHF stands for Amity Humanity Foundation
  104. AHF stands for American Hospital Foundation
  105. AHF stands for Arab Hospitals Federation
  106. AHF stands for Andrew H Forsythe
  107. AHF stands for Australian Hotel Fund
  108. AHF stands for Axis History Forum
  109. AHF stands for Anti Haemophilic Factor
  110. AHF stands for All Homes Funding
  111. AHF stands for Airborne Height Finder
  112. AHF stands for American Health Federation
  113. AHF stands for American Hungarian Federation
  114. AHF stands for arenaviral hemorrhagic fever
  115. AHF stands for American Halal Foundation
  116. AHF stands for American Home Federation
  117. AHF stands for Attitude History File
  118. AHF stands for African Hockey Federation
  119. AHF stands for Animal Holding Facility
  120. AHF stands for Argentinian Hemorrhagic Fever
  121. AHF stands for Asian Headache Foundation
  122. AHF stands for Affiliated Health Funds
  123. AHF stands for American Hospital Formulary
  124. AHF stands for anhydrous Hydrogen Flouride
  125. AHF stands for Albanian Health Fund
  126. AHF stands for Arizona Health Foods
  127. AHF stands for Aviation Human Factors
  128. AHF stands for Alpha Handling Facility
  129. AHF stands for Argonne High Flux
  130. AHF stands for AIDS Healtcare Foundation
  131. AHF stands for All Hazards Forum
  132. AHF stands for Angel House Foundation
  133. AHF stands for Anti Hemophilia Factor
  134. AHF stands for Afdeling for Human Fysiologi
  135. AHF stands for Anti Hitler Force
  136. AHF stands for Appalachian Hardwood Forest
  137. AHF stands for Attributes Hiding Factor
  138. AHF stands for Alberta Heritage Foundation
  139. AHF stands for Advanced Hydro Facility
  140. AHF stands for Aaron Holiday Flats
  141. AHF stands for About the Housing Finance
  142. AHF stands for active history file
  143. AHF stands for Adoption Handicap France
  144. AHF stands for Albert Heim Foundation
  145. AHF stands for Alex Humor File
  146. AHF stands for Alexs Humor File
  147. AHF stands for Alysha House of Funk
  148. AHF stands for Anagram Hall of Fame
  149. AHF stands for Animaniacs Hall of Fame
  150. AHF stands for Ant Hill Fabrics
  151. AHF stands for Area History and Facts
  152. AHF stands for Ayurvedic Herbal Formulas
Abbreviations And Their Meaning