DW stands for Doctor Who (British TV sci-fi series) DW stands for Dreamweaver (web design program) DW stands for Drinking…
DO stands for Day Off DO stands for Data Out DO stands for Due Out DO stands for Delivery Order…
D/N stands for Day/Night (cricket) DN stands for Distinguished Name (IDAP) DN stands for Dagens Nyheter (Swedish newspaper) DN stands…
DH stands for Department of Health (UK) DH stands for Durham (postcode, United Kingdom) DH stands for Designated Hitter (baseball)…
D&W stands for Demons and Wizards (band) D&W stands for Ducking and Weaving D&W stands for Detection & Warning
CF stands for Compact Flash (solid state memory technology) CF stands for Cold Fusion (Allaire web application development product) CF…
CLE stands for Continuing Legal Education C.LE stands for Centrale (Italian: Main) CLE stands for Criminal Law Enforcement (various locations) CLE…