AHAM stands for Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (Washington, DC)AHAM stands for Arabian Horse Association of MichiganAHAM stands for Abeno…
AGZ stands for Anarchistische Gummizelle (Düsseldorf Film Performance)AGZ stands for Actual Ground Zero
AGVA stands for American Guild of Variety Artists AGVA stands for Australian Greyhound Veterinary Association (est. 1984)
AGT stands for Australia's Got Talent (TV show) AGT stands for America's Got Talent (TV show) AGT stands for Angiotensinogen…
AGSOM stands for Australian Gallery of Sport and Olympic Museum (established 1984)
AGSO stands for Australian Geological Survey Organization AGSO stands for Antwerp Gipsy Ska Orkestra (band) AGSO stands for Art Gallery…
AGSEM stands for Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill AGSEM stands for Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum (est.…