
Major constituents of the arts include History, Visual Arts, ‎Literary Arts, ‎Performing Arts, Media, Museums, Music, Film Censorship, and Photography.

Arts is the interpretation of human activities (theory and physical) into visualisation.

It is the creativity found in human cultures and societies that translates to auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author’s imaginative, conceptual ideas.


BAMTA stands for Bay Area Multimedia Technology Alliance BAMTA stands for Boulder Area Music Teachers Association (Colorado) BAMTA stands for Bluegrass Area Music Teachers Association BAMTA stands for Broad Alliance for Multimedia Technology Applications BAMTA stands for Bay Area Music Teachers Association (California) BAMTA stands for Broken Arrow Music Teachers Association (Oklahoma)


BAMZ stands for Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo  BAMZ stands for Brad, Angelina, Maddox and Zahara


BAO stands for Batman: Arkham Origins (gaming) BAO stands for Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (cosmology) BAO stands for Business Analytics and Optimization (IBM) BAO stands for Basal Acid Output (medical test) BAO stands for Business Analyst Online (software) BAO stands for Bundesabgabenordnung (Austria) BAO stands for Bouche à Oreille (French: Word of Mouth) BAO stands for […]


AARG stands for Aerial Archaeology Research Group (est. 1980) AARG stands for Australasian Audio Repairers Guild AARG stands for Austin Area Rocketry Group (astronomy; Texas) AARG stands for Association of Americans Risen from the Grave (website) AARG stands for Appalachian Amateur Radio Group (ham radio) AARG stands for Australian Aircraft Restoration Group (Australia) AARG stands […]


BAMA stands for BoatAnchor Manual Archive (Ham radio manuals) BAMA stands for British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association BAMA stands for Boston Atlanta Metropolitan Axis (William Gibson books) BAMA stands for Bay Area Music Awards BAMA stands for Boat Anchor Manual Archive BAMA stands for Bay Area Miata Association BAMA stands for Bay Area Multihull Association BAMA […]


BAMMA stands for Bay Area Multicultural Media Academy (San Francisco, CA)  BAMMA stands for Bay Area Mobile Music Association (San Francisco, CA)  BAMMA stands for British Association of Mixed Martial Arts


BAMMC stands for Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Management Communication (degree)


BAMNH stands for Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History


BAMP stands for Bridge Asset Management Program (India) BAMP stands for Builders Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh BAMP stands for Bulgarian Association of Music Producers BAMP stands for Black AIDS Media Partnership (HIV/AIDS awareness) BAMP stands for Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners BAMP stands for BSD Apache Mysql Php (web servers) BAMP stands for Battlefield Automation […]