
Major constituents of the arts include History, Visual Arts, ‎Literary Arts, ‎Performing Arts, Media, Museums, Music, Film Censorship, and Photography.

Arts is the interpretation of human activities (theory and physical) into visualisation.

It is the creativity found in human cultures and societies that translates to auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author’s imaginative, conceptual ideas.


AGMA stands for American Gear Manufacturers Association AGMA stands for American Guild of Musical Artists AGMA stands for Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (UK) AGMA stands for Alliance for Gray Market and Counterfeit Abatement AGMA stands for Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis AGMA stands for Australian Goat Milk Association (Childers, Victoria, Australia) AGMA stands for Anti-Grey […]


AGDT stands for Annabella Gonzalez Dance Theater AGDT stands for American Game Dog Times AGDT stands for Amoebic Gel Diffusion Test AGDT stands for About God Damn Time


AGD  stands for Academy of General Dentistry AGD  stands for Agreed AGD  stands for Australian Government Directory AGD  stands for American Gage Design AGD  stands for Ambiguously Gay Duo (Saturday Night Live skit) AGD  stands for Airgun Designs (paintball company) AGD  stands for Alpha Gamma Delta (international fraternity for women) AGD  stands for Australian Geodetic […]


AGDA stands for Australian Graphic Design Association AGDA stands for American Graphic Design Award AGDA stands for Australasian Gymnastics Dance Academy (Australia) AGDA stands for Australian Garage Door Association AGDA stands for Australian Grand Dairy Award


AGCV stands for American Guild Of Court Videographers AGCV stands for Arc Growth Company VCT (Venture Capital Trust; UK)


AGAD stands for As Good As Dead (movie) AGAD stands for As Good As Done AGAD stands for Archiwum Glowne Akt Dawnych (Central Archives of Historical Records; Warsaw, Poland) AGAD stands for Australian Government Antarctic Division (now known simply as Australian Antarctic Division) AGAD stands for A Gay A Day (video blog)


AGAC stands for Advanced Genetic Analysis Center (Minnesota) AGAC stands for American General Assurance Company (credit insurance) AGAC stands for Australian Guardianship and Administration Council (est. 1993) AGAC stands for Attorney General’s Advisory Committee of United States Attorneys AGAC stands for American Guild of Actors and Composers AGAC stands for Achenbach Graphics Arts Council (San […]