AFYM stands for Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians (UK)
Best Wishes, Quotes and Condolence
Major constituents of the arts include History, Visual Arts, Literary Arts, Performing Arts, Media, Museums, Music, Film Censorship, and Photography.
Arts is the interpretation of human activities (theory and physical) into visualisation.
It is the creativity found in human cultures and societies that translates to auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author’s imaginative, conceptual ideas.
AFYM stands for Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians (UK)
AFWW stands for A Future without War (Dr. Judith Hand) AFWW stands for Air Force Wives Website AFWW stands for Activator-Fixer-Wash-Wash (film processing)
AFVPA stands for Advertising Film and Videotape Producers’ Association
AFVBM stands for American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers
AFVA stands for American Film and Video Association (La Grange Park, IL) AFVA stands for American Foundation for Vision Awareness (est. 1927) AFVA stands for Air Force Visual Aid
AFUA stands for Arts for Us All (Singapore)
AFTRS stands for Australian Film Television and Radio School
AFTRA stands for American Federation of Television & Radio Artists
AFTP stands for Always Film the Police AFTP stands for Art for the People (Takoma Park, MD) AFTP stands for Association Francophone des Types Psychologiques (French: French Association of Psychological Types) AFTP stands for Automatic for the People (R.E.M. album) AFTP stands for Anonymous File Transfer Protocol AFTP stands for Additional Flight Training Period (US […]
AFTLS stands for Actors from the London Stage