
Major constituents of the arts include History, Visual Arts, ‎Literary Arts, ‎Performing Arts, Media, Museums, Music, Film Censorship, and Photography.

Arts is the interpretation of human activities (theory and physical) into visualisation.

It is the creativity found in human cultures and societies that translates to auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author’s imaginative, conceptual ideas.


ADV  stands for Advantage (tennis) ADV  stands for Advertising (various organizations) ADV  stands for Advertisement ADV  stands for Advent ADV  stands for Advancement ADV  stands for Advise ADV  stands for Advocate ADV  stands for Adenovirus (infections) ADV  stands for Adverb ADV  stands for Average Daily Volume (trading) ADV  stands for Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter ADV  stands […]


ADV  stands for Advantage (tennis) ADV  stands for Advertising (various organizations) ADV  stands for Advertisement ADV  stands for Advent ADV  stands for Advancement ADV  stands for Advise ADV  stands for Advocate ADV  stands for Adenovirus (infections) ADV  stands for Adverb ADV  stands for Average Daily Volume (trading) ADV  stands for Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter ADV  stands […]


ADUI stands for ARTS (Automated Radar Terminal System) Data Unit Interface ADUI stands for ARTS Data Unit Interface CSCI


ADTV stands for Average Daily Trading Volume ADTV stands for Abu Dhabi TV (channel; United Arab Emirates) ADTV stands for Allgemeine Deutsche Tanzlehrerverband (German: General German Dance Teachers Association) ADTV stands for Advanced Definition Television ADTV stands for Attention Deficit TeleVision


ADTV stands for Average Daily Trading Volume ADTV stands for Abu Dhabi TV (channel; United Arab Emirates) ADTV stands for Allgemeine Deutsche Tanzlehrerverband (German: General German Dance Teachers Association) ADTV stands for Advanced Definition Television ADTV stands for Attention Deficit TeleVision


ADTA  stands for Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority ADTA  stands for Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements (various locations) ADTA  stands for American Dance Therapy Association ADTA  stands for Access Data Transfer Assistant ADTA  stands for Association of Defense Trial Attorneys ADTA  stands for American Dental Trade Association ADTA  stands for Advisory Technical Assistance ADTA  stands for […]