
Major constituents of the arts include History, Visual Arts, ‎Literary Arts, ‎Performing Arts, Media, Museums, Music, Film Censorship, and Photography.

Arts is the interpretation of human activities (theory and physical) into visualisation.

It is the creativity found in human cultures and societies that translates to auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author’s imaginative, conceptual ideas.


ACNI stands for Arts Council of Northern Ireland ACNI stands for American Community Newspapers, Inc. (Addison, TX; also seen as ACN) ACNI stands for America Chung Nam, Inc. (paper recycling; Los Angeles, CA) ACNI stands for Age Concern Northern Ireland (UK) ACNI stands for Anugerah Carta Nasyid IKIM (Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia; Malaysian radio station) […]


ACNE stands for Ambition to Create Novel Expression (fashion brand) ACNE stands for Acorn Club North East (UK) ACNE stands for American Collage Network for Educators ACNE stands for Alaskans Concerned for Neglected Environments


ACMNH stands for Amherst College Museum of Natural History (Amherst, MA)


ACMJ stands for Adult Contemporary Music In Japan (blog) ACMJ stands for American Christian Music Journal


ACMJ stands for Adult Contemporary Music In Japan (blog) ACMJ stands for American Christian Music Journal


ACMLA stands for Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives Association ACMLA stands for Australian Country Music Listeners Association (Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia)


ACMI  stands for American Community Mutual Insurance (Michigan) ACMI  stands for Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance (wet lease) ACMI  stands for Art & Creative Materials Institute ACMI  stands for Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation ACMI  stands for American College of Medical Informatics ACMI  stands for Australian Center for the Moving Image ACMI  stands for American Cystoscope […]


ACMD stands for Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (UK) ACMD stands for Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery (Melbourne, Australia) ACMD stands for Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics (interconnected bodies) ACMD stands for African Cassava Mosaic Disease ACMD stands for Activated Chemical Manganese Dioxide (batteries) ACMD stands for Assistant Chief Medical Director ACMD stands […]


ACME  stands for Action Coalition for Media Education (Albuquerque, NM) ACME  stands for Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education ACME  stands for Automatic Certificate Management Environment (communications protocol) ACME  stands for Arms Control in the Middle East (talks; various nations) ACME  stands for Association for Convention Marketing Executives ACME  stands for Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Engineering […]