1. BU stands for Backup
  2. B/U stands for Backup
  3. BU stands for Bad Urban Area (terrain type)
  4. BU stands for Bahçesehir Üniversitesi (Istanbul, Turkey)
  5. BU stands for Baker University (Baldwin City, KS)
  6. BU stands for Ballast Unit
  7. BU stands for Bande d’Usure (French, accordion bellows protection)
  8. BU stands for Bangalore University (India)
  9. BU stands for Bangkok University (Thailand)
  10. BU stands for Baptist University (Hong Kong)
  11. BU stands for Bargaining Unit (Employee)
  12. BU stands for Base of Prism Up
  13. BU stands for Basic Understanding
  14. BU stands for Basically Useless
  15. BU stands for Baskent University (Adana, Turkey)
  16. BU stands for Baylor University
  17. BU stands for Bellevue University
  18. BU stands for Belly Up
  19. BU stands for Belmont University
  20. BU stands for Bergen University (Bergen, Norway)
  21. BU stands for Bethel University
  22. BU stands for Bethesda Unit
  23. BU stands for Biblioteca Universitária (Portuguese: University Library; Brazil)
  24. BU stands for Bibliothèque Universitaire (French)
  25. BU stands for Bicol University
  26. BU stands for Bilkent University
  27. BU stands for Billing Unit
  28. BU stands for Billion Unit
  29. BU stands for Binding Update
  30. BU stands for Binghamton University (SUNY Binghamton)
  31. BU stands for Bishop’s University (Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada)
  32. BU stands for Bloomsburg University (Pennsylvania)
  33. BU stands for Blue Underground (DVD supplier)
  34. BU stands for Bluffton University (Bluffton, OH)
  35. BU stands for Bogazici University
  36. BU stands for Boston University
  37. BU stands for Bottom Up (model)
  38. BU stands for Bournemouth University (UK)
  39. BU stands for Braathens (Airline)
  40. BU stands for Bradley University
  41. BU stands for Brandeis University
  42. BU stands for Brandon University
  43. BU stands for Brass Unlimited (Tacoma, WA)
  44. BU stands for Break Up
  45. BU stands for Brilliant Uncirculated (numismatics)
  46. BU stands for Brock University
  47. B/U stands for Broken Up
  48. BU stands for Brooklyn Union (Brooklyn Rapid Transit system)
  49. BU stands for Brown University
  50. BU stands for Bucknell University
  51. BU stands for Build Up (semiconductor substrate process)
  52. BU stands for Builder (USN Rating)
  53. BU stands for Bulgaria
  54. BU stands for Bulletin
  55. BU stands for Bureau
  56. BU stands for Burial (type of disposition)
  57. BU stands for Buruli Ulcer
  58. BU stands for Bushel
  59. BU stands for Business Unit
  60. B/U stands for Business Unit
  61. BU stands for Butler University
  62. Bu stands for Butyl Group (chemistry)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning