1. BAG stands for Baggage
  2. BAG stands for Books Are Great (various organizations)
  3. BaG stands for Bound and Gagged
  4. BAG stands for Bundesamt für Güterverkehr (German: Federal Office for Freight Transport)
  5. BAG stands for Bundesamt für Gesundheit (German: Swiss Federal Office of Public Health; Switzerland)
  6. BAG stands for Basin Advisory Group
  7. BAG stands for Boîte a Gants (French: Glove Compartment)
  8. BAG stands for Bethel Assembly of God (various locations)
  9. BAG stands for Bumping and Grinding
  10. BAG stands for Budissa Agroservice GmbH (German agriculture company)
  11. BAG stands for Bienal de Arquitectura de Guatemala (Spanish: Architecture Biennial of Guatemala; Guatemala)
  12. BAG stands for Bust-A-Groove (video game)
  13. BAG stands for Baguio, Philippines (Airport Code)
  14. BAG stands for Brooklyn Artists Gym (New York)
  15. BAG stands for Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Mittel- und Großbetriebe des Einzelhandels (German retailers association)
  16. BAG stands for Bayer Aktiengesellschaft
  17. BAG
    stands for Bank Aktiengesellschaft (German cooperative banking group)
  18. BAG stands for Business Action Group
  19. BAG stands for Bachelor of Agriculture
  20. BAG stands for Bayard-Alpert Gauge
  21. BAG stands for Biometric Assurance Group (oversight; UK)
  22. BAG stands for Broward Art Guild (Florida)
  23. BAG stands for Bundesanstalt für den Güterfernverkehr (federal watchdog in German haulage industry)
  24. BAG stands for Biotechnology Ambient Generic (NASA)
  25. BAG stands for Budget Activity Group
  26. BAG stands for Ballistic Attack Game
  27. BAG stands for Bookkeeper Advisory Group (Australia)
  28. BAG stands for Buccoaxiogingival
  29. BAG stands for Baguio Artists Guild
  30. BAG stands for Baseline Advisory Group
  31. BAG stands for Basmati Action Group
  32. BAG stands for Beautiful Assistant Gangbuster (from the book Secret Agents Four)
  33. BAG stands for Branch Action Guide
  34. BAG stands for Bean-Shaped Accessory Gland
  35. BAG stands for Broadband Access Group (Ciena)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning