1. BAK stands for Backup (File Name Extension)
  2. BAK stands for Backspace
  3. BAK stands for Bundesarchitektenkammer
  4. BAK stands for Back At Keyboard
  5. BAK stands for Bundesamt für Kultur (German: Federal Office for Culture; Switzerland)
  6. BAK stands for Biking Across Kansas (bicycle tour)
  7. BAK stands for Bauartklasse (German insurance term)
  8. BAK stands for Berliner Arbeitskreis Information (German)
  9. BAK stands for Basic Aeronautical Knowledge
  10. BAK stands for Betrayal At Krondor (computer game)
  11. BAK stands for Bundesaufsichtsamt für das Kreditwesen (German banking supervisory board)
  12. BAK stands for Baku, Azerbaijan – Baku (Airport Code)
  13. BAK stands for Blut Alkohol Konzentration (German: blood alcohol level)
  14. BAK stands for Binary Adaption Kit
  15. BAK stands for Beitragsanpassungsklausel (German; legal insurance)
  16. BAK stands for Bewußtsein, Atmung, Kreislauf
  17. BAK stands for Bosomtwe-Atwima-Kwanwoma (district; Ghana)
  18. BAK stands for Bouviers d’Australie et des Kelpies (French: Australian Kelpie and Cattle Dog; dog club)
  19. BAK stands for Barrier Arresting Kit
  20. BAK stands for Bilateral Above Knee (amputation)
  21. BAK stands for Biohybrid Artificial Kidney
Abbreviations And Their Meaning