- BAMF stands for Bundesamt Für Migration Und Flüchtlinge (German: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees)
- BAMF stands for British Art Market Federation (est. 1996; UK)
- BAMF stands for Bundesamt für Militärflugplätze (German: Federal Office for Military Airfields; Switzerland)
- BAMF stands for Bay Area Metal Festival (Santa Clara, CA)
- BAMF stands for Bowral Autumn Music Festival (Australia)
- BAMF stands for Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship (Goshen, IN)
- BAMF stands for Biomass and Methane Fuels
- BAMF stands for Builders’ Association of Metropolitan Flint (Flint, Michigan)
- BAMF stands for Builders Association of Metro Flint (Burton, MI)
- BAMF stands for Bureau of Apogaea Medical and Fire (Colorado)
- BAMF stands for Brothers Associated Moving Forward