1. BARF stands for Born Again Raw Feeders
  2. BARF stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods
  3. BARF stands for Bay Area Renters’ Federation (San Francisco, CA)
  4. BARF stands for Bones And Raw Foods
  5. BARF stands for Basic Amateur Radio Frequency
  6. BARF stands for Bay Area Rapid Folders (origami organization)
  7. BARF stands for Bay Area Riders Forum (motorcycling web forum)
  8. BARF stands for Biblical America Resistance Front (Burtonsville, MD)
  9. BARF stands for Bay Area Renaissance Festival (Largo, FL)
  10. BARF stands for Be A Real Friend
  11. BARF stands for Bile and Regurgitated Food
  12. BARF stands for Best Available Retrofit Facility
  13. BARF stands for Balance, Activity, Resistance, Flexibility (exercise mantra)
  14. BARF stands for Books Are Really Fun
  15. BARF stands for Bluegrass Adventure & Roots Festival
  16. BARF stands for Breathe, Acclimate, Relax, Focus (mnemonic)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning