1. BASIS stands for Basic Achievement Skills Individual Screener (education assessment)
  2. BASIS stands for Business Action to Support the Information Society (International Chamber of Commerce)
  3. BASIS stands for Barents Sea Impact Study
  4. BASIS stands for British Airways Safety Information System (aviation)
  5. BASIS stands for Baltic Air-Sea-Ice Study
  6. BASIS stands for Burst and All-Sky Imaging Survey
  7. BASIS stands for Battelle Automated Search Information System
  8. BASIS stands for Bay Area Social Intervention Services, Inc. (Bay City, Michigan)
  9. BASIS stands for Bank Automated Service Information System
  10. BASIS stands for Bases And Stations Information System
  11. BASIS stands for Burst Arc Second Imaging and Spectroscopy
  12. BASIS stands for Battlefield Acoustic Sensor Integration System
  13. BASIS stands for Business and Support Information Services (NASA)
  14. BASIS stands for Battlefield Automatic Secure Identification System
  15. BASIS stands for Bottlers Accounting and Sales Information System (Coca-Cola Company)
  16. BASIS stands for Business Access to State Information and Services
  17. BASIS stands for Building and Sustaining Infrastructure Services
  18. BASIS stands for Behaviour and Symptom Identification Scale
  19. BASIS stands for Bering Aleutian Salmon International Survey
  20. BASIS stands for Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale
  21. BASIS stands for Biological Aerosol Sentry and Information System
  22. BASIS stands for Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services
  23. BASIS stands for British Agrochemical Standards Inspection Scheme
  24. BASIS stands for Basel Antiarrhythmic Study of Infarct Survival
  25. BASIS stands for Bill Action and Status Inquiry System
  26. BASIS stands for Brief Addiction Science Information Source
  27. BASIS stands for Basel Antiarrhythmic Study & Infarct Survival
  28. BASIS stands for Basic Adult Skills Inventory System
  29. BASIS stands for Bay Area Scientific Information Symposium
  30. BASIS stands for Brooklyn and Staten Island Schools
  31. BASIS stands for Business Awareness on Sustainable Innovation Strategies
  32. BASIS stands for Bill Action Status Inquiry System
  33. BASIS stands for Basic Agricultural and Social Improvement Schemes
  34. BASIS stands for Budget and Science Information System
  35. BASIS stands for Benchmarking Approach for Spatial Index Structures
  36. BASIS stands for Berry and Associates Spatial Information Systems
  37. BASIS stands for Basic Academic Skills Individual Screener
  38. BASIS stands for Biological and Systematic Information System
  39. BASIS stands for Business Access to State Information Services
  40. BASIS stands for Benelux Association of Stable Isotope Scientists
  41. BASIS stands for Burst ArcSecond Imaging and Spectroscopy
  42. BASIS stands for Bangladesh Association of Software Information Services
  43. BASIS stands for Board for Academy Sponsored Institutes and Societies
  44. BASIS stands for British Agrochemical Supply Industry Scheme
  45. BASIS stands for Broadening Access and Strengthening Input Systems
  46. BASIS stands for Business and Student Information Services
  47. BASIS stands for Bibliothekarisch Analytisches System zur InformationsSpeicherung
  48. BASIS stands for Burst Arc Second Imaging System
  49. BASIS stands for Defining the Russian contributions to the Barents Sea Impact Study
  50. BASIS stands for Business Application Software Integration System
  51. BASIS stands for Assessing the consequences of global changes for the Barents Sea region: the Barents Sea Impact Study
  52. BASIS stands for Baltic Air – Sea – Ice Study a field experiment of Baltex
Abbreviations And Their Meaning