- BAV stands for Bavaria
- Bav stands for Bavarian (linguistics)
- BAV stands for Bioavailability
- BAV stands for Bundesamt für Verkehr (German: Federal Office of Transport; Switzerland)
- BAV stands for Bicuspid Aortic Valve
- BAV stands for Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Italian: Vatican Library)
- BAV stands for Brand Asset Valuator
- BAV stands for Bloc Auriculo-Ventriculaire (French: Atrioventricular Block; cardiology)
- BAV stands for Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty (medical procedure)
- BAV stands for Business Aviation
- BAV stands for Bovine Adenovirus
- BAV stands for Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne (German Workgroup for Variable Stars)
- BAV stands for Bilim Arastirma Vakfi
- BAV stands for Bourse aux Vêtements (French: Clothing Exchange)
- BAV stands for Both as View (data integration)
- BAV stands for Banna Virus
- BAV stands for Bay Area Vegetarians
- BAV stands for Battle Athletes Victory (anime)
- BAV stands for Born-Again Virgin
- BAV stands for Basic Audio Video (product feature)
- BAV stands for British Airways Virtual
- BAV stands for Brouwerij Artikelen Verzamelaars (Dutch)
- BAV stands for Building Academic Vocabulary
- BAV stands for Baarnse Atletiek Vereniging (Dutch)
- BAV stands for Beds Available
- BAV stands for Bateau A Vapeur (French steamship postmark)
- BAV stands for Baotou, PR China (airport code)
- BAV stands for Boath Audio Visual (Brighton, UK)
- BAV stands for Biarritz avec Vous (French: Biarritz with You; residential association; Biarritz, French)
- BAV stands for Bus Association of Victoria
- BAV stands for Bicuspid Aortic Valves
- BAV stands for Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering
- BAV stands for Berliner Apotheker Verein
- BAV stands for Business Analysis and Visualization
- BAV stands for Bloc Auriculo Ventriculaire
- BAV stands for balloon aortic valvotomies
- BAV stands for Balloon aortic valvotomy
- BAV stands for Blocco Atrio Ventricolare
- BAV stands for Banco Ambrosiano Veneto
- BAV stands for Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana
- BAV stands for Botanical Anti Viral
- BAV stands for Badminton Academy of Victoria
- BAV stands for Balanced Added Value
- BAV stands for Bank Account Validator
- BAV stands for Balloon Association of Victoria
- BAV stands for Bengali Association of Victoria
- BAV stands for Bus Association Victoria
- BAV stands for Bering Air Virtual
- BAV stands for Busted Ass Vehicle
- BAV stands for Bahana Arta Ventura
- BAV stands for Base Audio Video
- BAV stands for Bay Area Volunteer
- BAV stands for Basic Albanian Vocabulary
- BAV stands for Bradley Academy for the Visual
- BAV stands for Bruijnis Audio Visuals
- BAV stands for BundesAufsichtsamt fnr das Versi