1. BAV stands for Bavaria
  2. Bav stands for Bavarian (linguistics)
  3. BAV stands for Bioavailability
  4. BAV stands for Bundesamt für Verkehr (German: Federal Office of Transport; Switzerland)
  5. BAV stands for Bicuspid Aortic Valve
  6. BAV stands for Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Italian: Vatican Library)
  7. BAV stands for Brand Asset Valuator
  8. BAV stands for Bloc Auriculo-Ventriculaire (French: Atrioventricular Block; cardiology)
  9. BAV stands for Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty (medical procedure)
  10. BAV stands for Business Aviation
  11. BAV stands for Bovine Adenovirus
  12. BAV stands for Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne (German Workgroup for Variable Stars)
  13. BAV stands for Bilim Arastirma Vakfi
  14. BAV stands for Bourse aux Vêtements (French: Clothing Exchange)
  15. BAV stands for Both as View (data integration)
  16. BAV stands for Banna Virus
  17. BAV stands for Bay Area Vegetarians
  18. BAV stands for Battle Athletes Victory (anime)
  19. BAV stands for Born-Again Virgin
  20. BAV stands for Basic Audio Video (product feature)
  21. BAV stands for British Airways Virtual
  22. BAV stands for Brouwerij Artikelen Verzamelaars (Dutch)
  23. BAV stands for Building Academic Vocabulary
  24. BAV stands for Baarnse Atletiek Vereniging (Dutch)
  25. BAV stands for Beds Available
  26. BAV stands for Bateau A Vapeur (French steamship postmark)
  27. BAV stands for Baotou, PR China (airport code)
  28. BAV stands for Boath Audio Visual (Brighton, UK)
  29. BAV
    stands for Broadcast Area Variable
  30. BAV stands for Biarritz avec Vous (French: Biarritz with You; residential association; Biarritz, French)
  31. BAV stands for Bus Association of Victoria
  32. BAV stands for Bicuspid Aortic Valves
  33. BAV stands for Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering
  34. BAV stands for Berliner Apotheker Verein
  35. BAV stands for Business Analysis and Visualization
  36. BAV stands for Bloc Auriculo Ventriculaire
  37. BAV stands for balloon aortic valvotomies
  38. BAV stands for Balloon aortic valvotomy
  39. BAV stands for Blocco Atrio Ventricolare
  40. BAV stands for Banco Ambrosiano Veneto
  41. BAV stands for Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana
  42. BAV stands for baronsmead aim vct
  43. BAV stands for Botanical Anti Viral
  44. BAV stands for Badminton Academy of Victoria
  45. BAV stands for Balanced Added Value
  46. BAV stands for Bank Account Validator
  47. BAV stands for Balloon Association of Victoria
  48. BAV stands for Bengali Association of Victoria
  49. BAV stands for Bus Association Victoria
  50. BAV stands for Bering Air Virtual
  51. BAV stands for Busted Ass Vehicle
  52. BAV stands for Bahana Arta Ventura
  53. BAV stands for Base Audio Video
  54. BAV stands for Bay Area Volunteer
  55. BAV stands for Basic Albanian Vocabulary
  56. BAV stands for Bradley Academy for the Visual
  57. BAV stands for Bruijnis Audio Visuals
  58. BAV stands for BundesAufsichtsamt fnr das Versi
Abbreviations And Their Meaning