1. BBN stands for Big Blue Nation (University of Kentucky Wildcats)
  2. BBN stands for Bible Broadcasting Network (Christian radio network)
  3. BBN stands for Bolt, Beranek, & Newman
  4. BBN stands for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (cosmology)
  5. BBN stands for Bye Bye Now
  6. BBN stands for Bayesian Belief Network
  7. BBN stands for Backbone Network
  8. bbn stands for Barbarian (Dungeons and Dragons class)
  9. BBN stands for Baltic Business News
  10. BBN stands for Bruin Broadcast Network (Catholic High School)
  11. BBN stands for Big Brother News
  12. BBN stands for Broadband Noise
  13. BBN stands for Building Better Neighborhoods (various locations)
  14. BBN stands for Bayanihan Blog Network (Philippines)
  15. BBN stands for Bellingham Business News (Bellingham, WA)
  16. BBN stands for Bureau Burundais de Normalisation et Contrôle de la Qualité (French: Burundi Bureau of Standards and Quality Control; Burundi)
  17. BBN stands for Big Brother Nonsense
  18. BBN stands for Biuro Bezpieczenstwa Narodowego (Poland)
  19. BBN stands for Base-Band Node
  20. BBN stands for Bulk Billing Number
  21. BBN stands for Burly Bear Network (TV)
  22. BBN stands for BasketBallNation
  23. BBN stands for BeauBlancNoir (French: Beautiful White Black; sports club)
  24. BBN stands for Brass Band Normandie (France)
  25. BBN stands for Brethren Business Network (Organization of Church of the Brethren / Christian values in the workplace)
  26. BBN stands for Brèves Basse-Normandie (French: Short Lower Normandy)
  27. BBN stands for Blanc Beur Noir (French charitable organization)
  28. BBN stands for Bulletin Board Network
  29. BBN stands for Business Brokers Network
  30. BBN stands for British Bluegrass News
  31. BBN stands for Branding for Business
  32. BBN stands for Bandar Baru Nilai
  33. BBN stands for BRAC BDMail Network
  34. BBN stands for B4N Bye for Now
  35. BBN stands for Business Broker Network
  36. BBN stands for Business Branding Network
  37. BBN stands for Bremen Business Net
  38. BBN stands for Bayesian Belief Networks
  39. BBN stands for Black Book Network
  40. BBN stands for Brazil by Night
  41. BBN stands for Bundesverband Beruflicher Naturschutz
  42. BBN stands for Black Broadcasting Network
  43. BBN stands for Bowman Bowman Novick
  44. BBN stands for Bye Bye for Now
  45. BBN stands for Bolt Beranek an Newman
  46. BBN stands for Bolt Baranek and Newman
  47. BBN stands for Bring Back the Natives
  48. BBN stands for Bolt Baranek Newman
  49. BBN stands for Brandveilig Bouwen Nederland
  50. BBN stands for Business Breakfast Network
  51. BBN stands for Big-bang nucleosynthesis
  52. BBN stands for butyl-butanol-nitrosamine
  53. BBN stands for by broadband noise
  54. BBN stands for Blind Brokers Network
  55. BBN stands for Business Building Network
  56. BBN stands for Bolt Barenek and Newman
  57. BBN stands for Bolt Beranak and Newman
  58. BBN stands for N-butyl-(hydroxybutyl)-nitrosoamine
  59. BBN stands for Best Bingo Network
  60. BBN stands for N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine
  61. BBN stands for Baltic Biomass Network
  62. BBN stands for Broadcast Banyan Network
  63. BBN stands for Bundesverbandes Beruflicher Naturschutz
  64. BBN stands for believers broadcasting network
  65. BBN stands for Bayesian Belief Nets
  66. BBN stands for British Boxing Net
  67. BBN stands for Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku
  68. BBN stands for Berry Birch Noble
  69. BBN stands for Broad Band Noise
  70. BBN stands for Badminton Business Netwerk
  71. BBN stands for Bolt Beranek and Neumann
  72. BBN stands for Blacktown Business Network
  73. BBN stands for Bold Beranek and Newman
  74. BBN stands for Back Bone Network
  75. BBN stands for Backyard Bird Newsletter
  76. BBN stands for Better Brand Network
  77. BBN stands for Bloomberg Business News
  78. BBN stands for Business Brokers NetworkSM
  79. BBN stands for Bioproducts Business Network
  80. BBN stands for Bolt, Baranek, and Newman, Inc
  81. BBN stands for Basic Backup Network
  82. BBN stands for Berufsverband Beruflicher Naturschutz
  83. BBN stands for Bringing the Best to Nursing
  84. BBN stands for Broad Band Nepal
  85. BBN stands for Bury Business Network
  86. BBN stands for Bolt Beranet and Newman
  87. BBN stands for Broad Band Network
  88. BBN stands for Better Bad News
  89. BBN stands for Bacterial Blight Nursery
  90. BBN stands for Bad Boys Network
  91. BBN stands for Beavis and Butthead Noises
  92. BBN stands for Books on Birds from Natural
  93. BBN stands for Boston Bruins Nandonet
Abbreviations And Their Meaning