1. BBV stands for Banco Bilbao-Vizcaya
  2. BBV stands for Bank of Blue Valley (Kansas)
  3. BBV stands for Blood-borne Virus
  4. BBV stands for Body by Victoria (Victoria’s Secret)
  5. BBV stands for Blockbuster Video (store)
  6. BBV stands for Black Box Voting (unsecure voting machines)
  7. BBV stands for Blue Book Value (car value)
  8. BBV stands for Brake Booster Vacuum (automotive)
  9. BBV stands for Blood Baron of Vizkopa (gaming)
  10. BBV stands for Beroepsorganisatie Banken Verzekeringen (Dutch)
  11. BBV stands for Bethel Bible Village (Hixson, TN)
  12. BBV stands for Bündner Bauernverband (German)
  13. BBV stands for Bill & Ben Video (Doctor Who)
  14. BBV stands for Base Band Vinson (US DoD)
  15. BBV stands for Bayrische Biologische Versuchsanstalt
  16. BBV stands for Blower Bypass Valve
  17. BBV stands for Brags Beats and Variance (2+2 poker community)
  18. BBV stands for Beehive Bespoke Vintage (clothing)
  19. BBV stands for Bayerische Beamten Versicherung
  20. BBV stands for Bayerischer Basketball Verband
  21. BBV stands for Bayerische Beamten Versicherungen
  22. BBV stands for Bayerischer Bahnengolf Verband
  23. BBV stands for Bocholter Borkener Volksblatt
  24. BBV stands for Blood Borne Viruses
  25. BBV stands for Banco Bilbao Viscaya
  26. BBV stands for Black Beetle Virus
  27. BBV stands for Bremer Bootsbau Vegesack
  28. BBV stands for Bayerischer Badminton Verband
  29. BBV stands for Brent Business Venture
  30. BBV stands for Bolton Business Ventures
  31. BBV stands for beam-bending viscometer
  32. BBV stands for black beetle virion
  33. BBV stands for blood bank volunteers
  34. BBV stands for brush border vesicle
  35. BBV stands for brush border vesicles
  36. BBV stands for Bremer Basketball Verband
  37. BBV stands for Blood Bourne Virus
  38. BBV stands for basic venous blood volume
  39. BBV stands for beat-to-beat variability
  40. BBV stands for beat-to-beat variation
  41. BBV stands for bone marrow blood volume
  42. BBV stands for border membrane vesicles
  43. BBV stands for Bayerischer Billard Verband
  44. BBV stands for Baltimore Beach Volleyball
  45. BBV stands for Blood Born Viruses
  46. BBV stands for Bank Bilbao Vizcaya
  47. BBV stands for Berliner Box Verband
  48. BBV stands for BLAVOD BLACK VODKA
  49. BBV stands for Brandenburgischer Basketball Verband
  50. BBV stands for Blood Borne Viral
  51. BBV stands for Brandenburgischer Billard Verband
  52. BBV stands for Birch Bay Village
  53. BBV stands for Bremer Badminton Verband
  54. BBV stands for Bayrischer Basketball Verband
  55. BBV stands for Brass Ball Valve
  56. BBV stands for Building Blocks Vancouver
  57. BBV stands for Basic Block Vector
  58. BBV stands for Bill and Ben Video
  59. BBV stands for Beneficial Books and Videos
  60. BBV stands for Big Breasted Vixen
  61. BBV stands for BlockOut Banner Vinyl
  62. BBV stands for Bayerischen Billard Verband
  63. BBV stands for Blue Blue Violet
  64. BBV stands for Beatles Brazilian Version
  65. BBV stands for Buried Bedrock Valley