DARPMI stands for Direction de l'Action Régionale et de la Petite et Moyenne Industrie (French: Directorate for Regional Action and Small…
DARPS stands for Differential Absolute and Relative Positioning Sensor DARPS stands for Dutch Auction Rate Preferred Shares DARPS stands for…
DARQSI stands for Direction de l'Action Régionale, de la Qualité et de la Sécurité Industrielle (French: Directorate for Regional Action, Quality…
DART stands for Dallas Area Rapid Transit DART stands for Disaster Assistance Response Team DART stands for Disaster Animal Response…
KZT stands for Kazakhstan Tenge (ISO currency code)
LZUB stands for Lietuvos Zemes Ukio Bankas (Lithuanian bank)
DARTS stands for Data Archive and Transmission System DARTS stands for Dynamic Application and Rapid Targeting System (planning software) DARTS…
DATI stands for Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative (Wilmington, DE) DATI stands for Danish Agency for Trade and Industry DATI stands…
DASC stands for Digital Avionics Systems Conference DASC stands for Design Automation Standards Committee (IEEE) DASC stands for Dartmouth Adult…
DASAMASA stands for Design Anywhere, Sell Anywhere, Manufacture Anywhere, Support Anywhere (global market product development)