1. CD  stands for Change Directory (MS-DOS)
  2. CD  stands for Current Directory
  3. CD  stands for Color Display Control Data
  4. CD  stands for Compact Disc
  5. CD  stands for Certificate of Deposit
  6. CD  stands for Community Development
  7. CD  stands for Corporate Design
  8. CD  stands for Calendar Day
  9. C/D stands for Control Data
  10. CD  stands for Creative Director
  11. CD  stands for Career Development
  12. CD  stands for Committee Draft Car and Driver (magazine)
  13. CD  stands for Canadian Dollar
  14. CD  stands for Candle
  15. CD  stands for Cord
  16. CD  stands for Council District
  17. CD  stands for Cross Dresser
  18. C/D stands for Car and Driver (magazine)
  19. CD  stands for Conservation District
  20. CD  stands for Concept Design
  21. CD  stands for Comprehensive Database
  22. CD  stands for Claude Debussy (classical composer)
  23. CD  stands for Chad
  24. CD  stands for Communication Device
  25. CD  stands for Concept Development
  26. CD  stands for Capacity Development (international economics)
  27. CD  stands for Critical Decision
  28. CD  stands for Curriculum Development
  29. CD  stands for Celine Dion (Canadian singer)
  30. CD  stands for Ciudad (city; postcode use, Mexico)
  31. CD  stands for Center Director
  32. CD  stands for Carrier Detect
  33. CD  stands for Currently Disabled
  34. CD  stands for Conduct Disorder
  35. CD  stands for Companion Dog (AKC Obedience Title)
  36. CD  stands for Civil Defense
  37. CD  stands for Chicken Dance
  38. CD  stands for Content Dictionary
  39. C/D stands for Countdown
  40. CD  stands for Collision Detection
  41. CD  stands for Cordoba (Argentina province, airline code)
  42. CD  stands for Collateral Damage
  43. CD  stands for Club Deportivo
  44. CD  stands for Christian Dior
  45. CD  stands for Crossdresser (transvestite, drag)
  46. CD  stands for College Dictionary
  47. CD  stands for Congressional District
  48. CD  stands for Candela (luminous intensity)
  49. CD  stands for Conference on Disarmament
  50. CD  stands for Cadmium
  51. CD  stands for Contract Data
  52. CD  stands for Critical Dimension
  53. CD  stands for California Dreamin’
  54. CD  stands for Cultural Development
  55. CD  stands for Carpe Diem (MMORPG game)
  56. CD  stands for Corporate Development
  57. CD  stands for Continuous Delivery (software development)
  58. CD  stands for Chemical Dependency
  59. CD  stands for Country Director (Peace Corps)
  60. CD  stands for Conceptual Design
  61. CD  stands for Change of Direction
  62. CD  stands for Call Data
  63. C/D stands for Civil Defense
  64. CD  stands for Common Denominator
  65. CD  stands for Contrary to the Discipline (Quaker religion)
  66. CD  stands for Cold Drink
  67. CD  stands for Component Design
  68. CD  stands for Communications Director
  69. CD  stands for Crohn’s Disease
  70. CD  stands for Creative Differences
  71. CD  stands for Civil Defence
  72. CD  stands for Civil Disobedience
  73. CD  stands for Critical Design
  74. CD  stands for Democratic Republic of the Congo (country code, top level domain)
  75. CD  stands for Counter/Drug
  76. CD  stands for Current Density
  77. CD  stands for Center Distance
  78. CD  stands for Control and Display
  79. CD  stands for Celiac Disease
  80. CD  stands for Communicable Disease
  81. CD  stands for Cold Drawn
  82. CD  stands for Consent Decree
  83. CD  stands for Camp Director
  84. CD  stands for Coastal Defense
  85. CD  stands for Conserved Domain (proteins)
  86. CD  stands for Cost Distribution
  87. CD  stands for Cooldown
  88. CD  stands for Cooldown (World of Warcraft gaming)
  89. CD  stands for Capability Data (ITU-T)
  90. CD  stands for Castle Douglas (Scotland, UK)
  91. CD  stands for Cooperation and Development
  92. CD  stands for Circular Dichroism
  93. CD  stands for Controlled Drug
  94. CD  stands for Clostridium Difficile
  95. CD  stands for Clearance Delivery (aviation)
  96. CD  stands for Context-Dependent (research parameter)
  97. CD  stands for Chinese Dragon (automobile)
  98. CD  stands for Cloaking Device (Star Trek)
  99. CD  stands for Cortical Dysplasia (congenital abnormality)
  100. CD  stands for Cruise Director
  101. CD  stands for Combined Data
  102. CD  stands for Cognitive Disabilities
  103. CD  stands for Coeliac Disease
  104. CD  stands for Counter-Drug
  105. CD  stands for Canada Dry
  106. CD  stands for Coefficient of Drag (aerodynamics)
  107. CD  stands for Common Dialog (windows programming)
  108. CD  stands for Carried Down
  109. CD  stands for Cluster of Differentiation (aka Cluster of Designation; antigens)
  110. CD  stands for Cytoplasmic Domain (immunology)
  111. CD  stands for Central Division
  112. CD  stands for Call Detail
  113. CD  stands for Cloth-Diapering
  114. CD  stands for Chromatic Dispersion
  115. CD  stands for Capacitor Discharge (steel stud welding method)
  116. CD  stands for Chronic Diarrhea
  117. CD  stands for Computer Division (various locations)
  118. CD  stands for Cavalry Division
  119. CD  stands for Core Damage (nuclear reactors)
  120. CD  stands for Contract Design
  121. CD  stands for Chemical Defense
  122. CD  stands for Circuit Description
  123. CD  stands for Circuit Description (Bell System)
  124. CD  stands for Corps Diplomatique
  125. CD  stands for Climate Dynamics
  126. CD  stands for Construction Defect
  127. c/d stands for Carried Down (T-accounts)
  128. CD  stands for Climatological Data
  129. CD  stands for Comisión Directiva (Spanish)
  130. CD  stands for Confidential Document
  131. CD  stands for Conservation Dependent (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Lower Risk sub-category)
  132. CD  stands for Common Drain (amplifier topology)
  133. CD  stands for Cushing’s Disease
  134. CD  stands for Carnitine Deficiency
  135. CD  stands for Chunichi Dragons (Japanese professional baseball team)
  136. CD  stands for Cultural Diffusion
  137. CD  stands for Cotrel-Dubousset (orthopedics)
  138. CD  stands for Cash Dispenser
  139. C/D  stands for Charge/Discharge
  140. CD  stands for Cable Duct
  141. CD  stands for Consumers Digest
  142. CD  stands for Cash Disbursements (bookkeeping)
  143. CD  stands for Cross Direction
  144. CD  stands for Credit Derivative
  145. CD  stands for Criteria Documents (NIOSH)
  146. CD  stands for Conceptual Diagram
  147. CD  stands for Conditional Discharge
  148. CD  stands for Call Distributor (PBX feature)
  149. CD  stands for Construction Document
  150. CD  stands for Curriculum Director
  151. CD  stands for Conseil de Discipline (French: Disciplinary Board)
  152. CD  stands for Communication Disorder
  153. CD  stands for Compliance Division
  154. CD  stands for Community of Democracies
  155. CD  stands for Chris Daniels (and the Kings; band)
  156. CD  stands for Cuerpo Diplomático
  157. CD  stands for Cuerpo Diplomático (Spanish)
  158. CD  stands for Canine Distemper
  159. CD  stands for Concept Definition
  160. CD  stands for Common Digitizer (radar equipment)
  161. CD  stands for Certificate of Destruction
  162. CD  stands for Certified Doula
  163. CD  stands for Cross Docking (inventory management)
  164. CD  stands for Cross Docking (shipping/inventory management)
  165. CD  stands for Cell Delay (ATM)
  166. CD  stands for Compact Display
  167. CD  stands for Correlation Dimension
  168. CD  stands for Call Deflection
  169. CD  stands for Cross Drive (tank transmission)
  170. CD  stands for Converter Display
  171. CD  stands for Country Direct
  172. CD  stands for Consistency Determination
  173. CD  stands for Cel Damage (video game)
  174. CD  stands for Combat Development
  175. CD  stands for Converter Drive
  176. CD  stands for Ceské Dráhy (Czech railways)
  177. CD  stands for Conference du Desarmement
  178. C/D  stands for Control and Display
  179. CD  stands for Committee on Disarmament
  180. CD  stands for Chart Datum
  181. CD  stands for Control Drawing
  182. CD  stands for Cordoba Durchmusterung (star catalogue)
  183. CD  stands for Computational Device
  184. CD  stands for Cultural Division
  185. CD  stands for Complete Denture
  186. CD  stands for Coil Driver
  187. CD  stands for Call Disconnect
  188. CD  stands for Cystitis Diet (veterinary prescription diet food)
  189. CD  stands for Concurrent Disorders
  190. CD  stands for Canadian Forces Decoration (medal)
  191. C/D  stands for Cat Diet (cat food)
  192. CD  stands for Concrete Detail (writing)
  193. CD  stands for Certification Division (EPA)
  194. CD  stands for Calibration Drift
  195. CD  stands for Cowden Disease
  196. CD  stands for Collector, Dust
  197. CD  stands for Claims, Defense
  198. CD  stands for Convergence for Democracy

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