1. CFAR stands for Cash Flow At Risk
  2. C-FAR
    stands for Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research (also seen as IL)
  3. CFAR stands for Constant False Alarm Rate
  4. CFAR stands for Collège Français des Anesthésistes Réanimateurs
  5. CFAR stands for Collaborative Forecasting and Replenishment
  6. C-FAR stands for Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform (Canada)
  7. C-FAR stands for Centre for Fundamental and Anomalies Research (Surrey, England)
  8. CFAR stands for Chamber of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
  9. CFAR stands for Center for Analytical Rigor (industry partnership)
  10. CFAR stands for Comprehensive Financial Aid Report (education)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning