1. CL stands for Clear (Morse Code abbreviation)
  2. CL stands for Class
  3. CL stands for Chile (country code, top level domain) Champions’ League (Union of European Football Associations)
  4. CL stands for CAS (Column Address Strobe) Latency
  5. CL stands for Close(d)
  6. CL stands for Claim
  7. CL stands for Color
  8. CL stands for Clearance
  9. CL stands for Classification
  10. CL stands for Closer (baseball pitcher)
  11. CL stands for Clinic
  12. CL stands for Contact Lens Craig’s List (online community)
  13. CL stands for Common LISP
  14. CL stands for Cluster
  15. CL stands for Control Language
  16. CL stands for Cloth
  17. CL stands for Clause
  18. CL stands for Circular Letter
  19. CL stands for Light Cruiser (Cruiser-Light)
  20. CL stands for Chlorine
  21. C/L stands for Checklist
  22. CL stands for Celtic (linguistics)
  23. CL stands for Closet
  24. CL stands for Computational Linguistics
  25. CL stands for Common Law
  26. C/L stands for Circular Letter
  27. CL stands for Central Locking
  28. C/L stands for Crash Landing (aviation)
  29. CL stands for Consumer Lab
  30. CL stands for Closed Loop
  31. CL stands for Clarinet
  32. CL stands for Caprolactone
  33. CL stands for Command Language
  34. CL stands for Creative Loafing (Charlotte, NC weekly publication)
  35. CL stands for Caltanissetta (Sicilia, Italy)
  36. CL stands for Components List
  37. CL stands for Colgate-Palmolive (stock symbol)
  38. CL stands for Cooperative Learning
  39. CL stands for Chinese Language
  40. CL stands for Chain Link (Fence)
  41. CL stands for Check List
  42. CL stands for Cotton Lycra (fabric)
  43. CL stands for Copyleft (license)
  44. CL stands for Computer Lab
  45. CL stands for Catholic-Link
  46. CL stands for Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS newspaper)
  47. CL stands for Chemical Element
  48. CL stands for Comparative Literature (various schools)
  49. CL stands for Centerline
  50. C/L stands for Closed Loop
  51. CL stands for Control Logic
  52. CL stands for Californian (rabbit breed)
  53. CL stands for County Library
  54. CL stands for Courtney Love (musician)
  55. CL stands for Civil Law
  56. CL stands for Confidence Level
  57. CL stands for Confidence Limit
  58. CL stands for City of London
  59. CL stands for Controlled Load
  60. CL stands for Code: Lyoko (cartoon)
  61. CL stands for Collaborator
  62. C/L stands for Centerline
  63. CL stands for County Line
  64. CL stands for Caps Lock
  65. CL stands for Chicken Little
  66. CL stands for Character Limit
  67. CL stands for Current Liabilities
  68. CL stands for Corpus Luteum
  69. CL stands for Connectionless
  70. CL stands for Child Labour
  71. C/L stands for Central Locking (automobiles)
  72. CL stands for Customer Loyalty
  73. CL stands for Cathodoluminescence
  74. CL stands for Credit Lyonnais (French Bank)
  75. CL stands for Change List (software development)
  76. CL stands for Cystic Lymphangioma
  77. CL stands for Compatibility List
  78. CL stands for Corpus Linguistics (Conference)
  79. CL stands for Computing Laboratory
  80. CL stands for Code Lyoko (French TV cartoon)
  81. CL stands for Carload
  82. CL stands for CableLabs (Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.)
  83. CL stands for Current Limiting
  84. CL stands for Cliff Lee (baseball player)
  85. CL stands for Centiliter
  86. CL stands for Comunione e Liberazione (Italian: Communion and Liberation; Catholic movement founded in 1954)
  87. CL stands for Cyber Law
  88. CL stands for Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
  89. CL stands for Current Loop (electronics)
  90. CL stands for Candidate List
  91. CL stands for County Law
  92. CL stands for Contacts List
  93. CL stands for Continuous Learning
  94. CL stands for Central League (Japanese baseball)
  95. CL stands for Control Limit
  96. CL stands for Chaos Legion (video game)
  97. CL stands for Competent Leader (Toastmasters)
  98. CL stands for Current Limiter
  99. CL stands for Chain Lightning (gaming)
  100. CL stands for Crew Leader
  101. CL stands for Cable Link
  102. CL stands for Central Luzon (Philippines)
  103. CL stands for Container Load (shipping)
  104. CL stands for Clear Liquids
  105. CL stands for Clan Leader (gaming)
  106. CL stands for Contract Labor
  107. CL stands for Customs Law
  108. CL stands for Cine Latino (Mexico)
  109. CL stands for Col Legno (string instrument technique)
  110. CL stands for Chapter Leader
  111. CL stands for Crimson Land (game)
  112. CL stands for Cathedral of Learning (University of Pittsburgh)
  113. CL stands for Combat Log (gaming)
  114. CL stands for Cactus League (baseball)
  115. CL stands for Classified Loan (finance)
  116. CL stands for Compliance Level
  117. CL stands for Chemical Laser
  118. CL stands for Course Line
  119. CL stands for Carrier Landing
  120. CL stands for Common Light
  121. CL stands for Court Leave
  122. CL stands for Chess Life (journal)
  123. CL stands for Coefficient of Lift
  124. CL stands for Continuous Load
  125. CL stands for Control Loading
  126. CL stands for Center of Lift
  127. CL stands for Casual Leave (India)
  128. CL stands for Conversion Loss
  129. CL stands for Combat Load
  130. CL stands for Centre for Limnology (Nieuwersluis, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  131. CL stands for Coolant Loop
  132. CL stands for Copper Loss
  133. CL stands for Cable Lug
  134. CL stands for Chat Life
  135. CL stands for Fraternity of Communion and Liberation
  136. CL stands for Client Logic (BPO Company)
  137. CL stands for Compensatory Leave
  138. CL stands for Catalunya Lliure
  139. CL stands for Coordination Level
  140. CL stands for Cecile Licad (classical pianist)
  141. CL stands for Chronic Liar
  142. CL stands for Coordination Line
  143. CL stands for Configured Load
  144. CL stands for Capabilities Select
  145. CL stands for Contract Linguist (US government)
  146. CL stands for Capture Latch
  147. CL stands for Chivalry Legions (gaming clan, Runescape)
  148. CL stands for Cued Language
  149. CL stands for Contractor Leased
  150. CL stands for Confrontation Line
  151. CL stands for Clobber Hand (gaming; Mega Man)
  152. CL stands for Lift Co-Efficient (aircraft)
  153. CL stands for Combinator Logic
  154. CL stands for Certificate in Logistics
  155. CL stands for Caritas Lebanon (Catholic charity)
  156. CL stands for Air Post Semi-Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
  157. CL stands for CodeLeakers (gaming forum)
  158. CL stands for Closed Loop Control Logic
  159. CL stands for City and County Library
  160. CL stands for Commonality List (NASA)
  161. CL stands for Compartmentalized Level
  162. CL stands for Clanless Losers (Counter-Strike clan)
  163. CL stands for Clay, Low Compressibility (LL < 50)
  164. CL stands for Clear Job Indicator
  165. CL stands for Class Complexity/Size Due to Local Methods
  166. CL stands for Cheerlead/Cheerleading/Cheerleader
  167. C/L stands for Click/Laugh
  168. CL stands for Controlled Iteration Last Pass
Abbreviations And Their Meaning