1. CN stands for Cartoon Network
  2. CN stands for Canadian National Railway
  3. CN stands for Connect (ITU-T)
  4. CN stands for Consultant
  5. CN stands for Core Network
  6. CN stands for Connector
  7. CN stands for Cyber Nations (web forum)
  8. CN stands for Comoros
  9. CN stands for Change Notice
  10. CN stands for Communications Network
  11. CN
    stands for Peoples’ Republic of China (Top Level Domain abbreviation)
  12. C/N stands for Carbon/Nitrogen
  13. CN stands for Copper Nickel (product feature)
  14. CN stands for Cognitive Neuroscience
  15. CN stands for Case Number
  16. CN stands for Chuck Norris
  17. CN stands for Canonical Name (computer domain name resolution)
  18. CN stands for Certified Nurse
  19. CN stands for Complete Nutrition
  20. CN stands for Combined Nomenclature
  21. CN stands for Cranial Nerve
  22. CN stands for Company Number
  23. CN stands for Comfortably Numb
  24. CN stands for Channel Number
  25. CN stands for Comfort Noise (telephony)
  26. CN stands for Command Network
  27. CN stands for Coordination Number (mathematics)
  28. CN stands for Cellular Network
  29. CN stands for Carbon Nanotube
  30. CN stands for China Netcom (est. 1999)
  31. CN stands for Corporate Network
  32. CN stands for Chloroacetophenone
  33. CN stands for Conselho Nacional (Portuguese: National Council; East Timor party)
  34. CN stands for Convergence Numérique (French: Digital Convergence)
  35. CN stands for Cuneo, Piemonte (Italian province)
  36. CN stands for Cinéma Numérique (French: Digital Cinema)
  37. CN stands for Convergencia Nacional (Venezuelan Party)
  38. CN stands for Condensation Nucleus
  39. CN stands for California Northern (railroad)
  40. C/N stands for Carrier-To-Noise Ratio
  41. CN stands for Causal Nexus (gaming clan)
  42. CN stands for Customer Network
  43. CN stands for Credit Note
  44. CN stands for Community Networking
  45. CN stands for Contract Negotiation(s)
  46. CN stands for Caudate Nucleus (neuroanatomy)
  47. CN stands for Color Negative (film)
  48. CN stands for Cellulose Nitrate
  49. CN stands for Control Node
  50. CN stands for Correspondent Node
  51. CN stands for Chaotic Neutral (gaming)
  52. C/N stands for Construction Number (aircraft industry)
  53. CN stands for Counternarcotic (US DoD)
  54. CN stands for Clinical Nutritionist
  55. CN stands for Central Node
  56. CN stands for Client Node
  57. CN stands for Cluster Number
  58. CN stands for Ciment Naturel (French: Natural Cement)
  59. CN stands for Congenital Nystagmus
  60. CN stands for Construction Number
  61. CN stands for Congressional Notification
  62. CN stands for Chief of Navy (Australia, New Zealand)
  63. CN stands for Compass North
  64. CN stands for Calculation Note
  65. CN stands for Cavan, Ireland
  66. CN stands for Construction Notice
  67. CN stands for Constructionman (US Navy rating)
  68. CN stands for Cinema Nation
  69. CN stands for Consignes de Navigabilite (French aviation authority)
  70. CN stands for Clueless Newbie
  71. CN stands for Cherokee Nations
  72. CN stands for Cononical
  73. CN stands for Cure Notice
  74. CN stands for Carrienews.com (Carrie Underwood fan site)
  75. CN stands for Ciudad de Nápoles (Guatemala hospital)
  76. CN stands for CreatioNation (convergent media company promoting the arts and altruism)
  77. CN stands for Common Name
  78. C/N stands for Critical/Noncritical
  79. CN stands for Coloracion Normal (Spanish: Normally Colored)
  80. CN stands for Cooperativa Jesús Nazareno Ltda. (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
  81. CN stands for Casnicki Namjesnik (Croatian: Warrant Officer)
  82. CN stands for Carpal Narrowing
  83. CN stands for Cras Noc’te (Tomorrow Night)
  84. C/N stands for Coulombs Per Newton
  85. CN stands for Cyanide
Abbreviations And Their Meaning