1. CR stands for Copyright
  2. CR stands for Credit
  3. CR stands for Costa Rica CR Controlled Release (prescription drugs)
  4. CR stands for Creek
  5. CR stands for Consumer Reports
  6. CR stands for Change Request
  7. CR stands for Complete Response
  8. CR stands for Carriage Return
  9. CR stands for Cruise Control (automotive)
  10. CR stands for Comprehensive Review (various organizations)
  11. CR stands for Czech Republic
  12. CR stands for Clinical Research
  13. CR stands for Crystal Reports
  14. CR stands for Compression Ratio
  15. CR stands for Classroom
  16. CR stands for Chain Reaction
  17. CR stands for Card Reader
  18. CR stands for Case Report
  19. CR stands for Clash Royale (gaming)
  20. CR stands for Cruise (air craft flight condition)
  21. CR stands for Corporate Responsibility
  22. CR stands for Credit Report
  23. CR stands for Credit Rating
  24. CR stands for Chromium
  25. CR stands for Conference Room
  26. CR stands for Code Review
  27. CR stands for Central Region
  28. CR stands for Central Region (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)
  29. CR stands for Computed Radiography
  30. CR stands for Customer Relationship
  31. CR stands for Cynthia Rowley (fashion)
  32. CR stands for Country Road (various locations)
  33. CR stands for Critically Endangered (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species category)
  34. CR stands for Community Relations
  35. CR stands for Compte-Rendu (French)
  36. CR stands for Court Reporter
  37. CR stands for Community Radio
  38. CR stands for Cedar River (Washington)
  39. CR stands for Customer Relations
  40. CR stands for Corrientes (Argentina Province, airline code)
  41. CR stands for Complete Remission (oncology)
  42. CR stands for Conductor (NYC Transit Authority)
  43. CR stands for Contractor Report
  44. CR stands for Creatinine
  45. CR stands for Cristiano Ronaldo (footballer)
  46. CR stands for Code Red
  47. CR stands for Casino Royale (book by Ian Fleming)
  48. CR stands for Conference Report
  49. CR stands for Croydon (postcode, United Kingdom)
  50. CR stands for Control Room
  51. CR stands for Crease (stamp and paper money collecting)
  52. CR stands for Conditioned Response
  53. CR stands for Councillor (title)
  54. CR stands for Continuing Resolution
  55. CR stands for Celebrate Recovery (ministry)
  56. CR stands for Concentration-Response (pharmacology)
  57. CR stands for Communication Research (journal)
  58. CR stands for Constructed Response (test type item)
  59. CR stands for Companies Registry (Hong Kong)
  60. CR stands for Condition Report
  61. CR stands for Course Record
  62. CR stands for Conrail (railroad)
  63. CR stands for Cold Rolling
  64. CR stands for Caloric Restriction
  65. CR stands for Current Rate
  66. CR stands for Cosmic Ray
  67. CR stands for Challenge-Response
  68. CR stands for Close Range
  69. CR stands for Consumer Rights
  70. CR stands for Crosswind
  71. CR stands for Control and Reporting
  72. CR stands for Cost Recovery
  73. CR stands for Commercial Registration (various locations)
  74. CR stands for Computer Room
  75. CR stands for Corrosion Rate
  76. CR stands for Credit Record
  77. CR stands for Cultural Revolution
  78. CR stands for Camera-Ready
  79. CR stands for Current Readiness (US Marine Corps)
  80. CR stands for Computer Resources
  81. CR stands for Chloroprene Rubber
  82. CR stands for Candidate Recommendation (various organizations)
  83. CR stands for Crown Royal (whiskey)
  84. CR stands for Common Room
  85. CR stands for Composite Reflectivity (weather)
  86. CR stands for Cold Regions
  87. CR stands for Control Relay
  88. CR stands for Challenge Rating (gaming)
  89. CR stands for Columbia Records (record label)
  90. CR stands for Cajal-Retzius (cells)
  91. CR stands for Certificate of Registration
  92. CR stands for Chicago Rawhide (manufacturer of oil and grease seals)
  93. CR stands for Control Rod
  94. CR stands for Close Ratio (gearbox staging)
  95. CR stands for Connection Request
  96. CR stands for Confidential Report
  97. CR stands for China Railway
  98. CR stands for Command Register
  99. CR stands for Cray Research
  100. CR stands for Cost Reimbursement
  101. CR
    stands for Consolidated Revenue
  102. CR stands for Contract Renewal(s)
  103. CR stands for Chicken Run (movie)
  104. CR stands for Chief Resident
  105. CR stands for College Republican
  106. CR stands for Conditional Release
  107. CR stands for Complete Rest
  108. CR stands for Call Request (ITU-T Rec. I.451)
  109. CR stands for Clarification Request
  110. CR stands for Clear Record
  111. CR stands for Cell Relay
  112. CR stands for Critical Resistance
  113. CR stands for Combat Readiness
  114. CR stands for Certified Restorer (American Society of Cleaning and Restoration)
  115. CR stands for Consumer Relations
  116. CR stands for Customer Requirement
  117. CR stands for Cremona, Lombardia (Italian province)
  118. CR stands for Claims Representative
  119. CR stands for Constant Resistance
  120. CR stands for Code Release (software encryption)
  121. CR stands for Championship Record (sports)
  122. CR stands for Certification Requirement
  123. CR stands for Correctly Recognized
  124. CR stands for Clean Run
  125. CR stands for Carrier Route (US Postal Service)
  126. CR stands for Crotch Rocket (motorcycle slang)
  127. CR stands for Comfort Room (restroom)
  128. CR stands for Computing Resource
  129. CR stands for Catalytic Reactor
  130. CR stands for Chief Ranger (National Park Service)
  131. CR stands for Consolidated Rail Corporation
  132. CR stands for Cost Reimbursable (contract type)
  133. CR stands for Computing Reviews (ACM)
  134. CR stands for Combined Ratio
  135. CR stands for Corner Reflector
  136. CR stands for Center Referee (soccer)
  137. CR stands for Condition Register
  138. CR stands for Continuous Replenishment
  139. CR stands for Chance of Error
  140. CR stands for Class Representative (in colleges of India)
  141. CR stands for Competitive Range (government contracting)
  142. CR stands for Canned Response (customer service)
  143. CR stands for Capital Records (record label)
  144. CR stands for Critical Ratio (operations management)
  145. CR stands for Closed Reduction
  146. CR stands for Care Recipient (long-term care)
  147. CR stands for Church Record (genealogy)
  148. CR stands for Coolant Replacement
  149. CR stands for Conditioned Reinforcer
  150. CR stands for Carrier Recovery
  151. CR stands for Critical Rate
  152. CR stands for Contract-Relax (PNF technique)
  153. CR stands for Copyright Regulations
  154. CR stands for Current Relay
  155. CR stands for Compare Register (IBM)
  156. CR stands for Channel Ready
  157. CR stands for Counter Rotation
  158. CR stands for Community of the Resurrection (religious order)
  159. CR stands for Communications Room
  160. CR stands for Cross Range
  161. CR stands for Communications Relay
  162. CR stands for Cedar Rapids, IA, USA
  163. CR stands for Control Reverse
  164. CR stands for Communication/Rendezvous (Plan, US DoD Flight Information Publication)
  165. CR stands for Chapter Reference
  166. CR stands for Configuration Review
  167. CR stands for Central Ray (radiology)
  168. CR stands for Certified Remodeler Specialist (remodeling)
  169. CR stands for Circuit Reliability
  170. C-R Cajal-Retzius (cells) stands for
  171. stands for Congregation of the Resurrection (religious order)
  172. stands for Conditional Requirement
  173. stands for Coherent Radar
  174. stands for Corpse Run (gaming)
  175. stands for Customer Ready
  176. stands for Calibrated Range (temperature measuring device accuracy)
  177. stands for Capital Request
  178. stands for Combat Rating (gaming)
  179. stands for Combat Rescue
  180. stands for Currentis (Latin: current month or year)
  181. stands for Compliance Rating
  182. stands for Corpse Retrieval (roleplaying games)
  183. stands for Council Rock High School (Bucks County, PA)
  184. stands for Coaxial Resonator
  185. stands for Certification Revocation
  186. stands for Cubist Records (record label)
  187. stands for Continuous Radon Monitoring
  188. stands for Channel Reliability
  189. stands for Commonwealth Record
  190. stands for Confirmation Review
  191. stands for Custos Rotulorum (Latin: Keeper of the Rolls)
  192. stands for Corpo Reticolare (Reticular Body of Chlamydia)
  193. stands for Combination Radio (SINCGARS)
  194. stands for Cosmic Rift (game)
  195. stands for Critique Report
  196. stands for Crampon Pacific Flight Covers Handbook (philatelic handbook)
  197. stands for College of Redwoods (Eureka, CA)
  198. stands for Child Rider (insurance)
  199. stands for Capabilities Request
Abbreviations And Their Meaning