1. CABS stands for Current Awareness in Biological Sciences
  2. CABS stands for Child and Babysitting Safety (course; various organizations)
  3. CABS stands for Carrier Access Billing System
  4. CABS stands for Columbus Area Boardgaming Society (Ohio)
  5. CABS stands for Center for Applied Biodiversity Science
  6. CABS stands for Center for Applied Behavior Systems (Virginia Tech)
  7. CABS stands for Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
  8. CABS stands for Committee Against Bird Slaughter (Bonn, Germany)
  9. CABS stands for Computer-Aided Business Simulation
  10. CABS stands for Cockpit Air Bag System (helicopter safety system)
  11. CABS stands for Common Approach to Budget Support
  12. CABS stands for Centro Acadêmico Bernardo Sayão (Brasil)
  13. CABS stands for Centro Acadêmico Bernardo Sayão (Portugese: Unicamp’s Student Organization)
  14. CABS stands for Centre for Air Borne Systems (India)
  15. CABS stands for Command Automated Budget System
  16. CABS stands for Consumer Action Program of Bedford-Stuyvesant
  17. CABS stands for Consolidated Ammunition Bulk Shipper
  18. CABS stands for Collaboration of Agent-Based Systems (DARPA software)
  19. CABS stands for Centralized Automatic Billing System
  20. CABS stands for lomustine, doxorubicin, bleomycin, and streptozocin (treatment of advanced-stage Hodgkin’s disease)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning