1. CALT stands for Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies (France)
  2. CALT stands for Computer Assisted Language Testing (various organizations)
  3. CALT stands for Certificate of Ancestral Land Titles (Philippines)
  4. CALT stands for Canadian Association of Law Teachers (Canada)
  5. CALT stands for Certified Academic Language Therapist (dyslexia)
  6. CALT stands for California Towhee (bird species)
  7. CALT stands for Committee for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching
  8. CALT
    stands for Civil Affairs Liaison Team
  9. CALT stands for Conjunctival-Associated Lymphoid Tissue
  10. CALT stands for Clearance Altitude
  11. CALT stands for Calibrated Accelerated Life Testing
  12. CALT stands for Control Altitude
  13. CALT stands for Contract Administration Lead Time
Abbreviations And Their Meaning