1. CAPE stands for Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (US Army)
  2. CAPE stands for Convective Available Potential Energy
  3. CAPE stands for Continuing and Professional Education (various locations)
  4. CAPE stands for Centre d’Accueil de la Presse Étrangère (French: Foreign Press Visitor Center)
  5. CAPE stands for Council for American Private Education (Germantown, MD)
  6. CAPE stands for Computer Aided Process Engineering
  7. CAPE stands for Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (Illinois)
  8. CAPE stands for Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination
  9. CAPE stands for Center for Advanced Pediatric and Perinatal Education (various organizations)
  10. CAPE stands for Center for Applied and Professional Ethcis (various schools)
  11. CAPE stands for Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment
  12. CAPE stands for Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (conference)
  13. CAPE stands for Creating A Positive Environment (training program)
  14. CAPE stands for Community Alliances to Promote Education
  15. CAPE stands for Communauté d’Agglomération des Portes de l’Eure (French: Agglomeration Community of Portes de l’Eure; Eure, France)
  16. CAPE stands for Career and Professional Education Act (Florida, USA)
  17. CAPE stands for Canadian Association of Professional Employees
  18. CAPE stands for Center for Advanced Pediatric Education (Stanford University)
  19. CAPE stands for Cyclically Adjusted Price Earnings
  20. CAPE stands for Camarillo Academy of Progressive Education (Camarillo, CA)
  21. CAPE stands for Computer Aided Protection Engineering
  22. CAPE stands for Colorado Association of Partners in Education
  23. CAPE stands for Computer-Aided Project Engineering
  24. CAPE stands for Computer-Aided Parametric Estimating
  25. CAPE stands for Center for Alternative Programs of Education (Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina)
  26. CAPE stands for Citizen Advocates for Public Education
  27. CAPE stands for Citizen Action by Public Employees
  28. CAPE stands for Canadian Association for Physicians for the Environment
  29. CAPE stands for Computer-Aided Pattern Engineering
  30. CAPE stands for Capacity Analysis and Performance Evaluation
  31. CAPE stands for Convection and Precipitation and Electrification (field project)
  32. CAPE stands for Communications Automatic Processing Equipment
  33. CAPE stands for Colorado Association of Polygraph Examiners
  34. CAPE stands for Civilian Application Programs Engineering
  35. CAPE stands for Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday and Easter (Catholic slang)
  36. CAPE stands for Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat des Écoles Maternelles et Primaires (French)
  37. CAPE stands for CTEIP Automated Presentation Enabler
  38. CAPE stands for Capability & Proficiency Evaluation
  39. CAPE stands for Centre d’Appui au Parc en Exploitation (French: Operating Plant Support Center)
  40. CAPE stands for Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation Office (US DoD)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning