1. CAPER stands for Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report
  2. CAPER stands for Canadian Post-M.D. Education Registry (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
  3. CAPER stands for Conceptual Astronomy and Physics Education Research (University of Arizona)
  4. CAPER stands for Comprehensive Ambulatory/Professional Encounter Record
  5. CAPER stands for Consolidated Annual Performance Report
  6. CAPER stands for Civilian Authority for the Protection of Everybody, Regardless (from mid-70s TV show “Kids from CAPER”)
  7. CAPER stands for Collaborative Applications for Project-Based Education
  8. CAPER stands for Computer-Aided Pattern Evaluation and Recognition
  9. CAPER
    stands for Civilian Authority for the Protection of Everyone, Regardless (Kids from CAPER TV series)
  10. CAPER stands for Center for Advanced Polymer Engineering Research, Materials Science and Engineering (University of Michigan)
  11. CAPER stands for Call-Center and Portal Enterprise Re-Engineering

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