1. CAR stands for Center for Automotive Research
  2. CAR stands for Caribbean
  3. CAR stands for Climate Action Reserve (Los Angeles, CA)
  4. CAR stands for Central African Republic
  5. CAR stands for California Association of Realtors
  6. CAR stands for Carriage
  7. CAR stands for Computer Assisted Reporting
  8. CAR stands for Children at Risk
  9. CAR stands for Carre (French: Square; Canada Post street designation)
  10. CAR stands for Collect And Return
  11. CAR stands for Chimeric Antigen Receptor (proteins)
  12. CAR stands for County Carlow (Ireland)
  13. CAR stands for Computer-Assisted Radiology
  14. CAR stands for Club Alfa Romeo (club)
  15. CAR stands for Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (Spanish: Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca; Cundinamarca, Colombia)
  16. CAR stands for Capital Adequacy Ratio
  17. CAR stands for Community and Alumni Relations (various locations)
  18. CAR stands for Cordillera Administrative Region (Philippines)
  19. CAR stands for Court Appointed Receiver
  20. CAR stands for Committed Access Rate
  21. CAR stands for Center Axis Relock (firearms)
  22. CAR stands for Control of Asbestos Regulations (UK)
  23. CAR stands for Conflict Armament Research (identifies and tracks weapons and ammunition in contemporary armed conflicts)
  24. CAR stands for Carian (linguistics)
  25. CAR stands for Corrective Action Request
  26. CAR stands for Capital Adequacy Requirement (various locations)
  27. CAR stands for Capacity Analysis Report
  28. CAR stands for Certificate of Alien Registration (various locations)
  29. CAR stands for Center for Applied Research
  30. CAR stands for Capital-at-Risk
  31. CAR stands for Carotid Artery Rupture (heart care)
  32. CAR stands for Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (Australia)
  33. CAR stands for Canadian Association of Radiologists
  34. CAR stands for Center for Assisted Reproduction (Bedford, TX)
  35. CAR stands for Combat Action Ribbon
  36. CAR stands for Certified Annual Report (various organizations)
  37. CAR stands for Contract Action Report (US DoD)
  38. CAR stands for Children of the American Revolution (Society)
  39. CAR stands for Civil Air Regulations
  40. CAR stands for Cedar Apple Rust (fungal disease)
  41. CAR stands for Cancer-Associated Retinopathy
  42. CAR stands for Corrective Action Report
  43. CAR stands for Canadian Aviation Regulation
  44. CAR stands for Committee on Accreditation Review (Massachusetts)
  45. CAR stands for Customer Account Representative
  46. CAR stands for Controlled Activities Regulations (UK)
  47. CAR stands for Champions Are Readers (literacy)
  48. CAR stands for Cordillera Autonomous Region (Philippines)
  49. CAR stands for Cumulative Abnormal Return (finance)
  50. CAR stands for Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor
  51. CAR stands for Contract Administration Services
  52. CAR stands for Civil Aviation Regulation
  53. CAR stands for Critical Areas Report (Washington)
  54. CAR stands for Canadian Airborne Regiment (Canadian armed forces)
  55. CAR stands for Clock with Adaptive Replacement (computer algorithm)
  56. CAR stands for Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers (Massachusetts)
  57. CAR stands for Computer Assisted Retrieval
  58. CAR stands for Construction All Risks (insurance policy)
  59. CAR stands for Courtesy Amount Recognition
  60. CAR stands for Chief of the Army Reserve (US DoD)
  61. CAR stands for Contractor’s All Risks
  62. CAR stands for Corporate Authorized Representative
  63. CAR stands for Combat Assault Rifle
  64. CAR stands for Commissioner’s Annual Report
  65. CAR stands for Carbine Assault Rifle (as in CAR-15)
  66. CAR stands for Carotid artery Repair (heart care)
  67. CAR stands for Calais Auto Racing (France)
  68. CAR stands for Club Alpine Renault (automobile club; UK)
  69. CAR stands for Contract Agreement Reference
  70. CAR stands for Club des Amateurs d’Anciennes Renault (French: Old Renault Enthusiasts Club; automobile club)
  71. CAR stands for Capital Asset Ratio
  72. CAR stands for Customer Acceptance Review
  73. CAR stands for Causal Analysis and Resolution (CMMI process area)
  74. CAR stands for Custodian Asset Report (defense)
  75. CAR stands for Contents of Address Register
  76. CAR stands for Committee Against Racism (social activism)
  77. CAR stands for Canadian Association of Rocketry
  78. CAR stands for Cisco Access Registrar
  79. CAR stands for Capability Assessment for Readiness
  80. CAR stands for Cloud Active Reception (computing)
  81. CAR stands for Club Athlétique du Roannais (French: Roanne Athletic Club; Roanne, France)
  82. CAR stands for Computer Account Request (form; University of Texas)
  83. CAR stands for Communauté d’Agglomération de Reims (French: Agglomeration Community of Reims; Reims, France)
  84. CAR stands for Comité d’Aide aux Réfugiés (French: Refugee Aid Committee)
  85. CAR stands for Cardiac Ambulation Routine (heart)
  86. CAR stands for Colt Automatic Rifle
  87. CAR stands for Corporate Account Representative
  88. CAR stands for Comparative Analysis Report
  89. CAR stands for Casualty Assistance Representative
  90. CAR stands for Central Apparatus Room
  91. CAR stands for Compressed Air Receiver
  92. CAR stands for Commercial Aviation Report (magazine)
  93. CAR stands for Contrat Ambition Réussite (French: Ambition Success Contract; education)
  94. CAR stands for Capital Appropriation Request
  95. CAR  stands for Centre d’Analyses et de Recherches (French: Center for Analysis and Research; various locations)
  96. CAR stands for Centro Addestramento Reclute (Italian: military training center)
  97. CAR stands for Contents of Address of Register (first element of generalized list in LISP)
  98. CAR stands for Central Access Routing (open gate)
  99. CAR stands for Cell Adhesion Regulator
  100. CAR stands for Constitutively Active Androstane Receptor
  101. CAR stands for Cèze Auto Rétro (French automobile club)
  102. CAR stands for Cellule d’Animation du Reseau (French)
  103. CAR stands for Condition And Recommendation
  104. CAR stands for Channel Address Register
  105. CAR stands for Congressional Affairs Representative
  106. CAR stands for Center for AIDS Rights (Thailand)
  107. CAR stands for Chief Airship Rigger (US Navy rank)
  108. CAR stands for Condenser Air Removal
  109. CAR stands for Commerce Acquisition Regulations (US Department of Commerce)
  110. CAR stands for Congenital Articular Rigidity
  111. CAR stands for Configuration Acceptance Review
  112. CAR stands for Cumulative Average Residual
  113. CAR stands for Commander, Army Reserve
  114. CAR stands for Capital Adequacy Rule
  115. CAR stands for Crude Argon
  116. CAR stands for Catalog Action Request
  117. CAR stands for Coherent Antistokes Raman
  118. CAR stands for Combined Arms Rehearsal (US Army)
  119. CAR stands for Command Assessment Review
  120. CAR stands for Configuration Audit Review
  121. CAR stands for Contract Action Request
  122. CAR stands for Collection Activity Report
  123. CAR stands for Community Assistance for Refugees (refugee assistance organization in Mankato, MN)
  124. CAR stands for Carney Myxoma-Endocrine Complex Carney Syndrome
  125. CAR stands for Customer Analytic Record (data warehouse/business intelligence)
  126. CAR stands for Cellular Activation Request
  127. CAR stands for Cilia-Associated Respiratory Bacilli
  128. CAR stands for Client Address Redistribution
  129. CAR stands for Chambéry Auto Rétro (French automobile club; Chambéry, France)
  130. CAR stands for Capital Acquisition Request
  131. CAR stands for Corrective Action Study
  132. CAR stands for Circumstance Action Result (interviewing strategy)
  133. CAR stands for Channel Adaptive Receiver
  134. CAR stands for Command Alarm Reset
  135. CAR stands for Contract Administrator Representative
  136. CAR stands for Control Advisory Release
  137. CAR stands for Concept Assessment Report
  138. CAR stands for Configuration Analysis Report
  139. CAR stands for Constraints and Restrictions Document
  140. CAR stands for Cahors Auto Rétro (French classic automobile club)
  141. CAR stands for Call Allocation Routing (Sprint)
  142. CAR stands for Contract Audit Review
  143. CAR stands for Credit Approval Report
  144. CAR stands for Current Action Report
  145. CAR stands for Capital Authorisation Request
  146. CAR stands for Certification Approval Report/Request
  147. CAR stands for Consolidated Arrest Report
  148. CAR stands for Corps Automation Requirements
  149. CAR stands for Contract Appraisal Report
  150. CAR stands for Contract Assessment Review
  151. CAR stands for Compilation and Reporting Issues
  152. CAR stands for Category-Agent-Reason
  153. CAR stands for California Association for Rehabilitation
  154. CAR stands for Carrier Activated Relay (radio transmitters)
  155. CAR stands for Corrective Account Representative
  156. CAR stands for Consumer Asset Risk
  157. CAR stands for Customer Access Record (TMN)
  158. CAR stands for Cyclic Asset Report
  159. CAR stands for Communications Automation Review
  160. CAR stands for Centro Administrativo de la Red (Telmex)
  161. CAR stands for Club Autun Rétro (French automobile club; Autun, France)
  162. CAR stands for Combrailles Auto-Rétro (French automobile club; Combrailles, France)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning